Who is commonly afftected by gallbladder disease (gallstones)?
fat, female, forty
Describe organs found in the inferior 3 abdominal regions, by region
Right iliac: cecum; hypogastric: urinary bladder, rectum, initial part of the sigmoid colon; left iliac: inferior part of descending colon
Name the 2 main body cavities and their main subdivisions
Dorsal body cavity which contains the cranial and vertebral cavities
Ventral body cavity contains the thoracic and abdomino-pelvic cavities; the abdominopelvic cavity contains the abdominal cavity & the pelvic cavity
Describe organs found by abdominal quadrant
right upper - liver, gallbladder; left upper - spleen; right lower - appendix; left lower - descending colon
What separates the abdominal cavity from the pelvic cavity?
there is no physical barrier between these
Describe organs found in the superior 3 abdominal regions, by region
right hypochondriac: liver, gallbladder; epigastric: stomach, pancreas, part of duodenum; left hypochondriac: spleen
What separates the thoracic cavity from the abdomino-pelvic cavity?
the diaphragm
What does the thoracic cavity contain?
The lungs (surrounded by the pleural cavity) and the superior mediastinum which contains the heart (surrounded by the pericardial cavity), trachea, and esophagus. The mediastinum is the space and organs between the lungs.
Which organs are contained in the dorsal body cavity?
the brain is contained in the cranial cavity; the spinal cord is contained in the vertebral cavity; the dorsal body cavity is said to contain the central nervous system