PT Assessment Exam 1 Matching
List the normal breath sounds |
Brachial, Vesicular, Bronchovesicular |
What conditions would decrease vocal fremitus? |
Obstructed bronchi, pneumothorax, emphysema |
What is the normal value for Platelets? |
Clear and translucent sputum |
What are the accessory muscles of expiration? |
Internal Intercostals, Rectus Abdominal, Transversus Abdominals, Obliques (External and Internal) |
What is the normal body temperature? |
List two causes of tachycardia |
Hypoxemia, stress/ anxiety |
What type of chest pain is associated with Pneumothorax? |
What conditions decrease tactile fremitus? |
Large pleural effusion, large pneumothorax, hyperinflation (air trapping), atelectasis |
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