The structure that separates the contents of a cell from the surrounding tissue is known as:
plasma membrane.
The ____ is often called the microtubule organizing center.
Rafts are stiff groupings of membrane molecules. What is their function?
Help organize the various components of the plasma membrane, Play an important role in the pinching of a parent cell into two daughter cells, and Sometimes allow the cell to form depressions that form a means of carrying substances into the cell
The membranous structure containing substances that protect the cell from harm are:
Peroxisomes and lysosomes.
The structure in cells that is associated with the enzymatic breakdown (digestion) of foreign material is the:
Skin cells (epithelial) are held tightly together by:
Granules or threads within the nucleus are called:
The cell extension that contains microfilaments is called:
A list of the cell fibers from largest to smallest would read: