Question | Answer |
name the organs in the right hypochondriac region. | right lung and part of the liver |
name the 11 body systems. | integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive system. |
name the components of endocrine system. | all glands and tissues that produce hormones |
what are the increasing levels of structural complexity? | molecule, organelles, cell, tissues, organ, organ system, organism |
what are the components of cardiovascular system? | heart, blood, blood vessels |
it is the system that returns proteins and fluid to blood and contains sites of maturation of B cells and T cells that protect against disease-causing microbes. | lymphatic system |
it is the system that regulates body temperature and detects sensations such as touch, pressure, pain, warmth and cold. | integumentary system |
what are the components of respiratory system? | pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchial tubes |
Name the system and the major organs whose function is to regulate body activities by nerve impulses. | nervous system; brain, spinal cord, nerves, sense organs |
what are the components of urinary system? | kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra |
what is contralateral? | opposite side |
it is the system that supports the body, provides for muscle attachment and assists with body movements. | skeletal system |
what system transports oxygen, nutrients, and carbon dioxide? | cardiovascular system |
what is an organism? | all the systems of the body that combine to make up a living being |
differentiate positive from negative feedback system. | positive feedback system strengthens a change in a controlled condition while negative feedback system reverses a change in a controlled condition. |
what is a feedback system? | cycle of events in which a condition in the body is continually monitored, evaluated, changed, remonitored and reevaluated, etc. |
what is ipsilateral? | same side |
what system regulates body activities through nerve impulses by detecting changes in the environment? | nervous system |
what is an organ system? | two or more organs that work together to perform a specific function |
name the organs located in the left hypochondriac region. | heart, diaphragm and left lung |
name the organs located in the epigastric region. | stomach and liver |
It is the process whereby unspecialized cells become specialized cells. | differentiation |
what is physiology? | study of function |
describe how the feedback system works. | some stimulus disrupts homeostasis by -> increasing or decreasing a controlled condition that is monitored by -> receptors that send -> input and monitor change -> control center -> receives the input and provides output -> send out nerve impulses or chem |
what system supports and protects the body? | skeletal system |
name the major organs and functions of the reproductive system. | testes, ovaries, vagine, penis, uterine tubes, uterus; reproduces the organism and releases hormones |
it refers to either the formation of new cells for growth or replacement and the production of new individual | reproduction |
homeostasis ir regulated by these 2 systems acting together or separately. | nervous system and endocrine system |
name the organs located in the right lumbar region. | gallbladder and large intestine (ascending colon) |
What system regulates the body activities through hormones transported by the blood to the organs? | endocrine system |
it is the body's ability to detect and respond to changes in its internal or external environment. | responsiveness |
name the components of skeletal system. | bones, joints, cartilages |
name the components of integumentary system. | skin, hair, nails, sweat and oil glands |
name the system and the function whose major organs are lymph vessels, spleen, thymus, tonsils, lymph nodes. | lymphatic system; returns proteins and fluid to blood, protect against disease, carries lipids from digestive system to the blood |
what system transports oxygen and nutrients in the blood? | cardiovascular system |
to properly reconnect the disconnected bones of a human skeleton, you would need to have a good understanding of? | anatomy |
what are the components of digestive system? | mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum and anus, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas |
name the organs in the umbilical region. | small intestine and large intestine (transverse colon) |
name the components of muscular system. | skeletal muscle tissue, attached to bones, cardiac muscle tissue, and smooth muscle tissue |
It includes motion of the whole body, organs, cells, and organelles. | movement |
it separates the abdominopelvic cavity from the thoracic cavity. | diaphragm |
what are the components of reproductive system? | gonads (testes or ovaries), uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, mammary glands, epididymis, ductus (vas deferens) and penis |
what system regulates reproduction through producing gametes from testes that unite to form a new organism? | reproductive system |
what system transfers oxygen from inhaled air to blood and carbon dioxide from blood to exhaled air? | respiratory system |
body structure that monitors changes in a controlled condition and sends information (input) to a control center. | receptor |
body structure that receives output from the control center and produces a response that changes the controlled condition. | effector |
name the components of nervous system. | brain, spinal cord, nerves and sense organs like eyes and ears |
what are the three elements of a feedback system? | receptor, control center, and effector |
a large part of the body's internal environment which surrounds all body cells. | interstitial fluid |
a type of feedback system that reverses a change in controlled condition. | negative feedback system (ex. system that regulates blood pressure: if a stimulus causes blood pressure to rise, receptors in blood vessels send impulses to the brain and the brain sends impulses to the heart, the effector which results to the decrease in |
what is organelles? | specialized structures that perform specific metabolic functions within the cells |
it is the sytem that maintains posture and produces heat. | muscular system |
what system protects the bod, detects sensations, and helps regulate body temperature? | integumentary system |
name an organ in the hypogastric region. | urinary bladder |
what are the components of lymphatic system? | spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and tonsils |
name the system and major organs whose function is to supply oxygen to cells, eliminate carbon dioxide, regulate acid-base balance. | respiratory system; lungs, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes |
any disruption that causes a change in a controlled condition. | stimulus |
what system regulates body activities through hormones? | endocrine system |
what system achieves physical and chemical breakdown of food and absorbs nutrients? | digestive system |
what system functions in body movement, posture, and heat production? | muscular system |
what system eliminates wastes and regulates volume and chemical composition of the blood? | urinary system |
6 important life processes of humans. | metabolism, responsiveness, movement, growth, differentiation, and reproduction |
monitored condition such as body temperature, blood pressure or blood glucose level. | controlled condtion |
what is the term for organs in the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities? | viscera |
name an organ in the right inguinal region. | appendix |
what system breaks down and absorbs food? | digestive system |
it is an increase in body size may be due to increase in size of existing cells, number of cells. | growth |
a type of feedback system that strengthens a change in controlled condition. | positive feedback system |
what system eliminates wastes and regulates the chemical composition and volume of blood? | urinary system |