Question | Answer |
Which joint is a temporary joint? | Epiphyseal plate. |
Dislocations are often accompanied by __. | Sprains |
Knee capsule heavily reinforced by strong tendons of the __ muscles. | Quadriceps. |
3 Stability factors in synovial joints. | (1) Shape of articular surfaces, (2) number & position of ligaments, & (3) muscle tone. |
Where do diarthroses predominate? | Limbs |
Which muscle "unlocks" the knee? | Popliteus Muscle |
Types of structural classifications of joints. | Fibrous, cartilaginous, & synovial joints. |
What capsule surrounds head of radius? | Anular Ligament |
What is the "suerstabilizer" of shoulder joint? | Long head of biceps brachii muscle of arm. |
Origin | Place where muscle attaches to less moving bone. |
Osteochondral Grafting | Healthy bone & cartilage removed from one body part & transplanted to injured joint. |
Eversion is a special movement of the __. | Foot |
Side-to-side movements in elbow restricted by which ligaments? | Ulnar collateral ligament (medially) & radial collateral ligament (laterally). |
__ is moving a limb away from the body. | Abduction |
Ball-and-Socket Joints | Spherical head & cuplike socket - multiaxial. |
What is the largest & most complex joint in the body? | Knee - allows extension, flexion, & some rotation. |
Dorsiflexion | Flexion of ankle so superior of foot approaches shin. |
What is the most freely moving joint in the body? | Shoulder (glenohumeral) joint. |
What 2 bones form the TMJ? | Mandibular condyle & temporal bone. |
Give one example of an amphiarthrosis. | Joint between tibia & fibula. |
Plane Joints | Flat articular surfaces that allow gliding motions - intercarpals/intertarsal joints & vertebrae. |
Ossified sutures in bones are __. | Synostoses. |
All synovial joints are __. | Diarthryoses - freely moving. |
5 Distinguishing features of synovial joints. | (1) Articular cartilage, (2) Joint cavity, (3) articular capsule, (4) synovial fluid, (5) reinforcing ligaments. |
Synovial membrane is composed of __. | Loose connective tissue. |
Insertion | Place where muscle is attached to movable bone. |
Gouty arthritis | Gout - articulating bone ends fuse due to urate crystals in soft joints. |
Coracohumeral Ligament | In shoulder - helps support weight of upper limb. |
In rheumatoid arthritis __ fluid increases. | Synovial |
Bursae | Flattened fibrous sacs lined w/synovial fluid. |
Intracapsular ligaments are covered w/__. | Synovial membrane. |
Insertion moves __ their orgin. | Toward |
Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation | Healthy chondrocyte transplanted to joint. |
Semilunar cartilage pads in knees. | Menisci |
Where is the glenoid cavity? | Scapula & used for shoulder joint. |
Diarthroses | Freely-movable Joints |
Ligaments are poorly __. | Vascularized. |
What ligament holds the radius to ulna at the proximal. | Annular ligament |
In syndesmoses, bones are connected by __. | Ligaments. |
A __ joint permits a slight degree of movement. | Symphysis |
Synovial fluid contains __ acid. | Hyaluronic |
Synovitis | Inflammation of synovial membrane of joint. |
Joints are classified how? | By their structure & function. |
Hinge Joint | Motion along a single plane - flexion & extension - elbow & interphalangeal joints. |
Which two joints have no cavity? | Fibrous & cartilaginous Joints |
The menisci helps prevent __. | Side-to-side rocking of femur on tibia. |
Weeping lubrication. | When synovial fluid lubricates surfaces of cartilage & nurishes cells. |
Crepitus | Crunching noise made when articular surfaces rub together. |
Name one way knee joint is unique. | Only partially enclosed by a capsule. |
Piviot Joints | Rounded end of one bone protrudes into ring of another bone/ligament - uniaxial rotation. |
Arthroscopic Surgery | Surgery through small scope to repair ligament or remove cartilage fragment. |
Saddle Joints | Shaped like saddle - twiddling thumbs. |
Synarthroses | Immovable Joints |
What is unique to synovial joints? | Joint cavity. |
__ are cartilaginous joints. | Synchondroses |
Supination of forearm. | Hand turned from posterior to anterior. |
Articulations | Joints - where 2 or more bones meet. |
Gomphoses | Peg-in-socket fibrous joint. |
3 C's of common knee injuries. | Collateral ligaments, cruciate ligaments, & cartilages (menisci). |
What is a labrum? | Circular rim of fibrocartilage that helps hold joint. |
What contributes most to stability of hip? | Deep socket that encloses femoral head & strong ligaments. |
What is lateral excursion? | Grinding of posterior teeth - movement by mandible - unique to mammals. |
Synchondrosis | Plate or bar of hyaline cartilage that unites bones. |
How far can a ligament stretch? | 6% before it snaps. |
Bones form from embryotic __. | Mesenchyme. |
Moving the arm full circle is an example of __. | Circumduction |
Knee is very vulnerable to __ blows. | Horizontal |
What kind of joint is the hip (coxal) joint? | Ball-and-socket joint |
Which bursa is often injured when bumping knee? | Subcutaneous prepatellar bursa. |
The should joint is a __ joint. | Ball-and-socket. |
What is the only example of nonaxial joints? | Gliding joints - vertebrae, intercarpal & intertarsal. |
The only movement allowed between 1st two cervical vertebrae is __. | Rotation |
Chondromalacia Patellae | Softening of cartillage on posterior patellar surface. |
What constitutes the hinge for the elbow? | Gripping of the trochlea by the trochlear noch. |
Synovial Joint | Articulating bones separated by fluid-containing cavity. |
What stabilizes posterior of knee joint? | Oblique popliteal ligament. |
Which bone doesn't form a joint? | Hyoid Bone |
What bones make up the ankle? | Tibia & fibula w/talus |
Pointing toes is __. | Plantar flexion |
Symphyses | Articular surfaces covered w/hyaline that is fused to pad of fibrocartilage. |
How many joints in knee? | 3 - Femoropatellar, tibiofemoral, & menisci. |
Prevents hyperextension of knee. | Cruciate ligament |
Name of ligament that holds teeth in socket. | Periodontal Ligament. |
Most ACL injuries occur when __. | Twisting a hyperextended knee. |
Where are bursae common? | Where ligaments, skin, tendons, or bones rub. |
2 Types of cartilaginous joints. | Synchondroses & symphyses |
Give 2 examples of ball-and-socket joints. | Shoulder & hips. |
Weakest part of the skeleton. | Joints |
__ are fibrous connective tissue in structure. | Syndesmosis |
Joint between costal cartilage of first rib & manubrium of sternum. | Synchondroses. |
Articular surfaces of synovial joints play a __ role in joint stability. | Minor |
Most important joint stabilizing factor. | Muscle tone & muscle tendons. |
What muscle is tapped by physicians in knee-jerk? | Patellar ligament. |
Name a symphyses joint. | Intervertebral joint. |
What prevents lateral or medial knee rotation? | Fibular & tibial collateral ligaments. |
Name 2 muscles whose tendons cross the elbow joint. | Biceps & triceps. |
The most common chronic arthritis. | Osteoarthritis - OA |
Sacroiliac Joint made of which bones? | Sacrum & coxal bone. |
A hinge joint movement is __. | Uniaxial |
Most common example of synchondroses. | Epiphyseal plate connecting diaphysis/epiphysis region in long bones. |
Cartilaginous Joints | Articulating bones are united by cartilage. |
Sprain | When ligaments of a joint are torn/stretched. |
Functional classifications of joints. | Synarthroses, amphiarthroses, & diarthroses. |
3 Types of fibrous joints. | Sutures, syndesmoses, & gomphoses. |
The amount of movement in a syndesmoses joint depends on? | Length of its ligament's connecting fibers. |
Pannus | Inflamed & thickened synovial membrane. |
Virtually all synchondroses are __. | Synarthrotic |
Elbow Joint | Hinge that allows flexion & extension only. |
Amphiarthroses | Slightly-movable Joints |
Where is the TMJ? | Jaw joint - anterior to ear. |
Tendon sheath. | An elongated bursa that wraps completely around a tendon. |
Give two examples of a pivot joint. | Atlas & dens. Radioulnar joint. |
Hip joint is made up of which bones? | Head of femur & acetabulum of hip. |
What joints enable you to grasp things? | Saddle Joints |
One example of a gomphoses. | Articulation of a tooth w/bony alveolar socket. |
Articular discs in synovial joints occur __. | In knee, jaw, & other joints. |
Arthrology | Study of Joints |
Ankylosing Spondylitis | "Poker Back" - fused vertebra by fibrous tissue. |
Condyloid Joints | Ovalsurface fits into depression - Permits angular motion - biaxial. |
ACL of knee | Attaches to anterior - prevents hyperextension of knee - Anterior Cruciate Ligament. |
PCL of knee | Attached to posterior to prevent backward displacement - Posterior Cruciate Ligament |
What 2 bones make up knee joint? | Femur & tibia |
Only movement allowed in pivot joint. | Uniaxial rotation. |
Give 2 examples of condyloid joints. | Radiocarpal (wrist) & knucle joints. |
What determines what movements are possible at a joint? | The shape of articular surfaces. |
Fibrous joints are usually __. | Immovable Joints |