Orthopedic Tests Test
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| A. + hip pain indicates hip pathology; + trocanteric pain indicates trocanteric bursitisB. + hip pain indicates a hip pathologyC. + lateal elbow pain during test indicates lateral epicondylitis; + restricted ROM indicates arthritis, capsular adhesions tothe overlying common tendon, or tendon contractureD. + Arm pain indicates nerve root tesion/radiculopathy; + local pain indicates cervical sprain/strainE. + pain during active flexion indicating shoulder impingement syndrome; + pain in internal rotation indicates supraspinatus impingement; + pain in external rotation indicates biceps long head impingementF. + pain before lumbar motion indicates SI lesion; + pain after lumbar motion indicates lumbar lesionG. + pain indicates SOL possibly a disc herniationH. + pain/weakness indicates injury/lesion of supraspinatusI. + increased motion indicates dislocation, excessive inferior translation, accentuation of the sulcus sign, inferior or multidirectional instabilityJ. + symptom reproduction indicates tension problem with the brachial plexusK. + clunk/excessive inferior translation indicates inferior or multidirectional instabilityL. + SI pain or pain down the extended thigh indicates SI lesion such as Ant SI ligament sprain or SI inflammationM. + Increase in Sxs indicate radicular syndrome (disc bulge or herniation)N. + hip pain indicates hip pathologyO. + inability to perform indicates cerebellar lesion or influence of alcoholP. + lack of joint movement indicates an inflammatory process in the fingers (OA, RA)Q. + pain indicates SI sp/st or FxR. + leg pain indicates nerve root lesion; + local pain indicates sprain/strainS. + Vertigo indicates problem is cervical in originT. + SI pain indicates SI sp/st; + pain/neurologic Sxs into anterior thigh suggests femoral nerve tension |
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