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Computers Flashcards

Description Date Stars ▼
computer terminology  (75 cards) 2016-02-10 6
DBA Interview Questions  (104 cards) 2017-03-06 6
Excel Lesson 2 vocab and more  (22 cards) 2014-03-10 6
Network + Certification  (55 cards) 2022-10-14 6
Networking - Determine Cable Types  (30 cards) 2023-01-02 6
AR DC 2 Unit 2 Photography  (24 cards) 2017-04-21 5
Basic Definitions  (121 cards) 2023-01-02 5
CCNA 3-4 Commands  (100 cards) 2023-01-02 5
Ch 1 - Intro to Win Server 2008  (65 cards) 2018-02-04 5
Ch 2 - Installing Windows Server 2008  (19 cards) 2018-02-04 5
Hacking Info  (6 cards) 2014-02-26 5
HTML & Advanced HTML Exam  (50 cards) 2015-09-23 5
ICND1, CCNA, 640-822(Chapter 2-4)  (260 cards) 2014-04-16 5
Vocabulary about Microsoft Windows  (19 cards) 2012-09-07 5
A+ Hardware  (18 cards) 2016-03-30 4
Arkansas DC 3 Unit 1 Elements of Media  (23 cards) 2016-08-30 4
Chapters 1-7  (164 cards) 2018-03-21 4
Cisco CCNP BSCI Commands  (30 cards) 2007-01-16 4
Comptia A+ 220-702 General Questions  (135 cards) 2016-04-20 4
CompTIA A+ 220-901 Hardware Acronyms  (74 cards) 2019-08-25 4
CompTIA A+ Acronyms  (285 cards) 2018-07-06 4
computer hardware/software  (16 cards) 2016-03-30 4
csim 2.2  (13 cards) 2023-10-23 4
DSST Computers #5  (88 cards) 2012-01-28 4
Fundamentals of Information Systems  (107 cards) 2023-04-04 4
Glossary  (33 cards) 2019-10-24 4
Keyboarding Vocabulary  (30 cards) 2018-02-20 4
mg ch6 stack1  (37 cards) 2013-04-04 4
Network+ Network Communication Methods  (5 cards) 2008-11-20 4
Part 1 of beginning computer vocabulary  (15 cards) 2016-09-01 4
SQL FUNCTIONS  (30 cards) 2017-10-17 4
Structured Query Language  (321 cards) 2017-03-24 4
types of RAM  (31 cards) 2022-01-18 4
Vocabulary  (19 cards) 2019-01-24 4
Web Design Principles and Guidelines  (20 cards) 2018-12-10 4
A+  (9 cards) 2007-08-14 3
Arkansas DC 1 Communication of Color  (19 cards) 2016-08-30 3
Arkansas DC 3 Unit 2 Web Design  (28 cards) 2015-09-15 3
ASP.Net MVC Topics  (23 cards) 2014-08-01 3
Basic computer terminology  (15 cards) 2014-02-06 3
BICSI Technician  (150 cards) 2024-11-04 3
c++ terms  (10 cards) 2013-11-04 3
CCNA - Routing Final  (108 cards) 2023-01-02 3
CCNA 3-4 Concepts  (60 cards) 2009-07-30 3
CCNA SWITCH CONFIG  (40 cards) 2019-07-09 3
Certification Study  (101 cards) 2022-01-17 3
Chapter 1  (127 cards) 2023-01-02 3
Chapter 10 Common Administrative Tasks  (97 cards) 2014-11-03 3
Chapter 7 TCP/IP from Networking book  (45 cards) 2014-10-13 3
CISSP  (129 cards) 2018-09-21 3
CIT132 LAN - Chapter 4 TCP/IP Protocols  (82 cards) 2010-03-04 3
CIT222 Ch 2 Terms  (88 cards) 2018-02-04 3
CIT222 Chapter 1 Intro to Linux  (77 cards) 2018-02-04 3
Comptia A+ 220-701 System Tools  (23 cards) 2014-04-06 3
Comptia A+ 220-702 Networks  (40 cards) 2014-04-06 3
Comptia A+ 901 1.2 motherboard types  (18 cards) 2019-04-26 3
Comptia Linux+ Exam 1  (277 cards) 2023-07-24 3
CompTIA Server Plus  (17 cards) 2022-10-31 3
Computer 50 Facts  (50 cards) 2009-11-20 3
Computer Review Final  (41 cards) 2008-06-05 3
CS235 System Analysis and Design  (142 cards) 2024-01-12 3
CSS beginning terms, rules, code  (20 cards) 2007-10-21 3
Cubangbang's Google Admin Study Stack  (58 cards) 2016-03-25 3
Data Modeling & Entity-Relationship Model  (285 cards) 2017-03-24 3
Database Fundamentals  (27 cards) 2010-08-24 3
DSST Computers #10  (76 cards) 2016-04-12 3
DSST Computers #2  (89 cards) 2012-01-26 3
DSST Computers #3  (55 cards) 2016-03-24 3
DSST Computers #4  (71 cards) 2016-03-29 3
DSST Computers #7  (66 cards) 2016-04-05 3
Final exam review for Photoshop  (95 cards) 2023-05-14 3

If you don't see a study stack on the subject you are looking for, please create your own to share with the rest of the world!