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Phlebotomy Flashcards

Description Date ▼ Stars
Clinical Correlation  (147 cards) 2022-01-05  
Tube Colors  (147 cards) 2022-01-05  
Medical Terminology,NHA Chapter 5  (86 cards) 2021-12-20 1
Phlebotomy Final Exam  (85 cards) 2021-12-06 3
Test tube  (54 cards) 2021-12-02 2
Phleb Fundamentals  (58 cards) 2021-12-02 2
Medical Law/Ethics  (47 cards) 2021-12-02 1
Microbiology  (68 cards) 2021-12-02 2
Immunology  (40 cards) 2021-12-02 1
Phlebotomy Essentials  (55 cards) 2021-10-26 2
Review for ASCP PBT  (133 cards) 2021-10-25  
Phlebotomy order of Draw  (17 cards) 2021-10-22  
Abbreviations & WKBK  (66 cards) 2021-10-16 2
Coagulation  (57 cards) 2021-10-11 2
Phlebotomy Procedures  (13 cards) 2021-09-26 1
Phlebotomy Procedures  (16 cards) 2021-09-23 1
Laboratory Test Request  (7 cards) 2021-09-23 1
Reporting Laboratory Results  (11 cards) 2021-09-23 1
Syringe After the Procedure  (7 cards) 2021-09-23 1
After Blood Culture Collection  (13 cards) 2021-09-23 1
Phlebotomy Procedures  (36 cards) 2021-09-22 1
Skin Puncture Phlebotomy Procedures  (22 cards) 2021-09-21 1
Phlebotomy Procedures  (7 cards) 2021-09-21 1
Lancet Capillary Depths (in mm)  (5 cards) 2021-09-21 1
Phlebotomy Procedures  (27 cards) 2021-09-21 1
The Basics of Patient Identification  (13 cards) 2021-09-21 1
Phlebotomy Procedures  (10 cards) 2021-09-20 1
Phlebotomy Procedures  (10 cards) 2021-09-19 1
Practicum A - Part III  (37 cards) 2021-09-17  
PMI Needle Gauge Color and Size  (6 cards) 2021-09-11 2
Phlebotomy Essentials Ch 4  (41 cards) 2021-09-06 3
Phlebotomy Essentials Ch 3  (51 cards) 2021-09-06 2
recognizing Tubes and Dept.  (20 cards) 2021-08-22 1
Preanalytical Considerations  (57 cards) 2021-08-09 1
Phlebotomy Exam  (154 cards) 2021-08-03 2
order of draw  (5 cards) 2021-08-02 3
Test Tube Test  (10 cards) 2021-08-02 2
Order of Draw  (11 cards) 2021-08-02 1
Flavin 2018 NHA Order of Draw for Tubes  (10 cards) 2021-07-21  
MEDLAB Tube tops  (14 cards) 2021-06-22 1
# ADV.D04 Ch 10 Venipuncture Procedures  (25 cards) 2021-06-15  
Phlebotomy Essentials Ch 5  (49 cards) 2021-06-14 2
Phlebotomy Essentials Ch 2  (45 cards) 2021-06-09 1
Discussion Flash Cards  (10 cards) 2021-06-08 1
Flavin NHA 2021 Terminology  (48 cards) 2021-05-25  
COMMON MEDICAL PREFIXES  (46 cards) 2021-05-08  
1,2,3,Quiz 10-10-10  (62 cards) 2021-05-06 2
COMMON MEDICAL SUFFIXES  (35 cards) 2021-05-05  
COMMON MEDICAL ROOT WORDS  (69 cards) 2021-05-05  
Phlebotomy Pre-Test  (43 cards) 2021-04-24 2
NHA review notes  (189 cards) 2021-04-20 2
Hwk Packets #6  (52 cards) 2021-04-09 3
phelbotomy  (15 cards) 2021-03-12  
Phlebotomy Dept  (11 cards) 2021-03-07  
Memories of the tube additive  (12 cards) 2021-02-08  
Phlebotomy Key Terms  (22 cards) 2021-02-03  
Key Terms  (22 cards) 2021-01-26  
flash cards  (10 cards) 2021-01-19  
Purple Module - Hematology 2  (60 cards) 2020-12-21 2
Medical Elements  (24 cards) 2020-11-13  
Medical Elements  (25 cards) 2020-11-12  
med term flash cards  (10 cards) 2020-10-26  
Vocabulary  (17 cards) 2020-10-22 1
chapter 4  (75 cards) 2020-10-22 2
Medical Elements  (25 cards) 2020-10-19  
Medical Elements  (25 cards) 2020-10-13  
PhlebotomyTerms  (35 cards) 2020-10-09  
med terms 0-25  (25 cards) 2020-08-26  
suffix abrivations  (10 cards) 2020-08-21  
Tube colors  (54 cards) 2020-06-09  
Week 5 phlebotomy multiple choice  (22 cards) 2020-05-08 1
Hwk Packets #3  (55 cards) 2020-05-02 2
questions and answers  (65 cards) 2020-05-02 1
Quiz Ch 12  (18 cards) 2020-04-14 1
For Tulsa Tech K.Emmen Class  (415 cards) 2020-03-10  
Phlebotomy Essentials Ch 6  (39 cards) 2020-03-09  

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