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Question: allow for...Answer: different and ranges of movement Question: Answer: place of contact between bones, bone and cartilage, or bones and Question: arthrologyAnswer: the of joints Question: structural classification of Answer: fibrous join, cartilaginous joint, and joint Question: jointAnswer: has no joint cavity and the are held together by dense connective tissue (i.e. lambdoid suture, skull, hip) Question: cavityAnswer: space between bone and the next bone (if none, together) Question: cartilaginous Answer: has no join cavity and bones are joined by (i.e. intervertebral disc articulations) Question: synovial Answer: fluid-filled joint that separates articulating surfaces of bones; surfaces are enclosed within connective tissue and bones are attached by ligaments (i.e. elbow joint) Question: functional classification of Answer: synarthrosis, , and diarthrosis Question: synarthrosisAnswer: joint that can be a fibrous or a cartilaginous joint (i.e. tooth to jaw) Question: Answer: slightly joint that can be fibrous or cartilaginous (i.e. articulation between tibia and fibula Question: diarthrosisAnswer: freely mobile joint (all synovial joints) (i.e. knee ) Question: range of motion at Answer: motion ranges from no movement to extensive , the structure of each joint determines mobility and stability, and there is an inverse relationship between mobility and stability Question: of fibrous jointsAnswer: connected by dense regular connective tissue, have no cavity, are immobile or slightly mobile (i.e. teeth in sockets, sutures between skull, between radius and ulna Question: three most common types of jointsAnswer: gomphoses, , syndesmoses Question: Answer: "peg in a socket" - an articulation of teeth with sockets of mandible and maxillae (only one in the body) Question: Answer: immobile joints - only b/w certain bones of the skull, have interlocking, usu. irregular edges (increase strength & decrease number of fractures), & permit skull to grow as brain increases in size during childhood (becomes ossified in older adult) Question: Answer: allow for slight mobility, found b/w and ulna and tibia and fibula (bound by interosseous membrane), and provides a pivot (radius and ulna able to move against each other, tibia and fibular = separated) Question: membraneAnswer: broad ligamentous Question: properties of cartilaginous Answer: have b/w articulating bones (either hyaline or fibrocartilage), lack a joint cavity, are immobile or slightly mobile Question: of cartilaginous jointsAnswer: or symphyses Question: synchodrosisAnswer: bones joined by hyaline cartilage, all immobile (i.e. hyaline cartilage of epiphyseal plates - b/w epiphysis and diaphysis and i.e. cartilage - costachondral joint b/w bony rib and costal cartilage) Question: symphysisAnswer: pad of fibrocartilage b/w articulating bones (resists compression and acts as a shock absorber) and all allow mobility (i.e. symphysis b/w L & R pubic bones (becomes more mobile during pregnancy) and i.e. intervertebral joints) Question: jointsAnswer: bodies of adjacent separated by intervertebral discs that allow only slight movement between adjacent vertebrae, and together allow spine considerable flexibility Question: jointsAnswer: all are diathrotic joints - freely mobile articulations that include most joints in the body; bones are separated by a (joint cavity) Question: basic of synovial jointsAnswer: articular capsule and joint cavity, synovial , articular cartilage, and ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels Question: capsuleAnswer: double-layered that is called the articular capsule; has an outer, fibrous layer , and an inner, synovial membrane layer Question: inner (synovial membrane)Answer: composed primarily of connective tissue, covers all internal joint surfaces not covered by cartilage, and helps produce synovial fluid Question: outer layer, layerAnswer: formed by dense connective tissue and strengthens joints to bones from being pulled apart Question: articular Answer: articulating bone is by hyaline cartilage and is avascular (like all cartilage) Question: functions of articular Answer: reduces friction movement, acts as a cushion to absorb joint compression, and prevents damage to articulating ends of bones Question: ligamentsAnswer: dense regular connective tissue that connects one bone to bone and stabilizes, strengthens and reinforces most synovial joints Question: Answer: composed of dense regular connective tissue and are not part of the joint itself, but attach muscle to bone (muscle moving the bone where attached), helps stabilize joints, and sometimes limits the range of movements permitted at a joint Question: Answer: a , saclike structure containing synovial fluid that is lined internally by synovial membrane and is associated with most synovial joints, and it alleviates friction resulting from body movements Question: where are foundAnswer: found where bones, ligaments, , skin, or tendons rub together, and is connected to the joint cavity or separate from it, and Question: classification of joints (by shapes of surfaces and movement allowedAnswer: uniaxial , biaxial joint, and multiaxial joint Question: jointAnswer: bone moves in just one plane or axis (i.e. ) Question: biaxial Answer: bone moves in two planes or axes (metacarpalphalangial ) Question: multiaxial Answer: bone in multiple planes or axes (shoulder and hip) Question: six types of jointAnswer: (gliding), hinge/ginglymus, pivot, condylar, saddle/sellar, and ball & socket Question: Plane/gliding Answer: simplest synovial articulation, mobile type of diathrosis, uniaxial joint, limited side-to-side movement in a single plane, and articular surfaces are flat (i.e. intercarpal and intertarsal joints) Question: hinge Answer: formed by convex surface fitting into concave depression, movement confined to a single axis (uniaxial), and is like the hinge of a door (i.e. elbow joint, knee, and interphalangeal ) Question: jointAnswer: bone with a rounded surface (fits into ring formed by ligament from bone and rotates on longitudinal axis relative to second bone), is uniaxial (i.e. proximal radioulnar joint and dens of axis and anterior arch of atlas) Question: radioulnar Answer: rounded head of radius along ulna and permits radius to rotate Question: dens of axis and arch of atlasAnswer: when shake head "no" Question: condylar Answer: biaxial joint (moves in two planes), is oval, convex surface articulating with concave surface (i.e. metacarpophalangeal of fingers 2 to 5 (knuckles) Question: jointsAnswer: can flex and extend to fingers and can also move apart from one another Question: saddle Answer: convex and concave surfaces resembling the shape that is biaxial and allows for greater range of movement than condylar or hinge joints (i.e. carpometacarpal joint of the thumb - permits thumb to move toward other fingers) Question: ball-and-socket Answer: considered the most freely mobile type of joint, this multiaxial joint permits movement in three planes and the spherical head of one bone fits into the cuplike socket of (i.e. coxal and glenohumeral joints) Question: Answer: , rigid object that rotates around a fixed point (fulcrum or axis) Question: can change...Answer: speed and distance of movement produced by a , the direction of the force applied, and the strength of the force (how a body makes motion) Question: effortAnswer: force to one point Question: resistance Answer: load located at some point Question: fulcrum or Answer: point that something rotates around Question: movement when...Answer: effort resistance Question: effort Answer: part of the lever from fulcrum to of effort Question: resistance Answer: part of from fulcrum to point of resistance Question: biomechanicsAnswer: practice of applying principles to biology (i.e. comparing joint movement and muscle contraction to a lever - long bone as lever, joint as fulcrum, and effort generated by muscle) Question: 3 of leversAnswer: 1st , 2nd class, and third class Question: 1st class Answer: FAR (fulcrum, axis in the middle, and resistance at the other end) (i.e. scissors, see-saw, old-school balance, or a head), advantage - can balance because the axis is in the Question: 2nd leverAnswer: ARF (axis, resistance in the , and then force), resistance arm is always shorter than the effort arm (i.e. foot lift, wheel barrow), advantage - allows you to overcome a ton of force Question: 3rd class Answer: AFR (axis, force in the , and then resistance), effort arm is shorter than resistance arm (i.e. golf club, bicep curl), advantage - allows greater range of motion and greater speed of motion Question: movements of synovial Answer: gliding, angular motion, flexion, extension, hyperextension, lateral flexion, abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation, depression, elevation, dorsiflexion, flexion, inversion, eversion, protraction, retraction, opposition, and reposition Question: glidingAnswer: two opposing surface slide back-and-forth or side-to-side the angle between the bones unchanged (only limited movement in either direction and typically occurs along plane joints) (i.e. between carpals and tarsals) Question: motionAnswer: one of the four types of motion occurring at synovial joints that increases or decreases the angle between two bones (includes: flexion, extension, hyperextension, lateral flexion, abduction, adduction, and circumduction) Question: flexionAnswer: movement in the sagittal and decreases the angle between the bones (bones brought closer together) (i.e. bending toward the palm) Question: extensionAnswer: of flexion, increases angle between articulating bones (i.e. straightening fingers after making a fist) Question: hyperextensionAnswer: joint extended more than 180 (i.e. glancing up at the ceiling while standing) Question: lateral Answer: trunk of body moving in coronal plane laterally (side ), occurs primarily between vertebrae in the cervical and lumbar region Question: abductionAnswer: lateral movement of body part away from midline (i.e. arm or thigh laterally from body midline) Question: abduction of Answer: fingers spread away from longest digit (actinga s ) Question: Answer: medial of body part toward midline (i.e. thigh brought back to midline Question: circumductionAnswer: end of appendage relatively stationary and distal end makes a circular motion (imaginary cone-shaped motion) (occurs as a result of flexion, abduction, extension, adduction, internal, & external rotation)(i.e. drawing a circle on the blackboard) Question: Answer: bone on its own longitudinal axis Question: lateral rotation (extended )Answer: anterior surface of femur or humerus laterally Question: rotation (internal rotation)Answer: turns anterior surface of or humerus medially Question: pronationAnswer: medial rotation of so palm of the hand is posterior (pour soup out) Question: Answer: lateral rotation of forearm so palm of the hand is (hold soup) Question: special Answer: occur at joints and do not readily fit other functional categories Question: Answer: inferior movement of a part of the body (i.e. movement of mandible opening the mouth or relaxing shoulders) Question: elevationAnswer: superior movement of a body part (i.e. superior movement of mandible closing mouth or shrugging shoulders) Question: Answer: limited to the ankle joint and is when the talocrural joint is bent so the dorsum (superior surface) of the foot moves toward the leg (i.e. when in your heels) Question: flexionAnswer: joint is bent so the dorsum is pointed interiorly (i.e. ballerina on tip toes in full plantar flexion or stepping on the gas peddle) Question: Answer: occurs at intertarsal joints in the foot only and when the sole turns medially (more mobility = more ankle sprains) Question: Answer: occurs at intertarsal joints of foot only and is when the sole laterally Question: Answer: anterior movement from anatomic position (i.e. jutting out the jaw anteriorly at temporomandibular joint, underbites, hug ) Question: retractionAnswer: movement from anatomic position (i.e. jutting out the jaw posteriorly at temporomandibular joint, major over bites, sticking out your chest) Question: oppositionAnswer: movement of thumb toward palmar tips of fingers at joint, enables the thumb to grasp objects Question: repositionAnswer: opposite movement in which the thumb is released from the palmar Question: glenohumeral (shoulder) Answer: a ball-and-socket joint that is formed by the head of the humerus and the glenoid cavity of the scapula, permits greatest range of motion of any joint in the body and is the most unstable and most frequently Question: parts of the glenohumeral Answer: fibrocartilaginous glenoid labrum and rotator cuff Question: glenoid Answer: covers the of the glenoid cavity and is meant to deepen the glenoid cavity to provide more stability Question: rotator cuff Answer: work as a group to hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid and the inferior portion lacks muscles, most easily injured; this provides the most joint strength Question: elbow Answer: hinge composed of two articulations Question: articulations at the elbow Answer: humeroulnar joint and the humeroradial Question: jointAnswer: trochlear notch of ulna articulating with of humerus Question: jointAnswer: capitulum of humerus articulating with head of Question: of elbow jointAnswer: radial ligament, ulnar collateral ligament, and annular ligament Question: radial collateral Answer: stabilizes joint at lateral face and extends head of Question: collateral ligamentAnswer: stabilizes medial side of the joint and extends to coronoid of the ulna and olecranon Question: ligamentAnswer: surrounds the neck of the and binds proximal head of the radius to the ulna Question: hip Answer: articulation between head of the and acetabulum of the ox coxae; more stable, but less mobile than the glenohumeral joint and provides the most support to the body Question: acetabular Answer: fibrocartilaginous ring of the hip joint that further deepens the making the joint more stable Question: of the hipAnswer: iliofemoral ligament, ischiofemoral ligament, ligament, ligament of the head of femur Question: iliofemoral Answer: ligament providing support for anterior articular capsule Question: ligamentAnswer: ligament posteriorly located Question: ligamentAnswer: triangular of capsule's inferior region that becomes taunt when hip is extended (hip is most stable in the extended portion) Question: of the head of femurAnswer: originates along acetabulum and attaches fovea of femur (inside hip socket) Question: the hip gets its stability from...Answer: deep bony , strong articular capsule, supporting ligaments, and muscular padding Question: movements possible at the hip include:Answer: flexion, extension, abduction, , rotation, and circumduction Question: knee Answer: largest and most complex diarthrosis that is primarily a hinge joint (can also be a joint); capable of slight rotation and lateral gliding when flexed Question: knee joint is composed of two articulationsAnswer: thiofemoral joint and patellofemoral Question: thiofemoral Answer: between of femur and condyles of tibia Question: patellofemoral Answer: between patella and surface of femur Question: structures of the knee Answer: quadriceps tendon, patellar ligament, lateral (fibular) collateral ligament, medial (tibial) collateral ligament, cruciate ligaments, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), meniscus, and lateral meniscus Question: tendonAnswer: passes over knee's surface and the patella is embedded here Question: ligamentAnswer: from patella to tibial tuberosity; may also be called a tendon, but ligament suggests what it really is (attachment of bone to bone) Question: lateral (fibular) collateral Answer: reinforces lateral surface of joint, extends from femur to fibula, and prevents hyperadduction of leg at the Question: medial (tibial) collateral Answer: reinforces medial surface of knee , extends from femur to tibia, and prevents hyper abduction of leg at the knee Question: cruciate Answer: deep to the articular capsule of knee joint, limits anterior and posterior of femur on this, and crosses each other in an X Question: cruciate ligament (ACL)Answer: extends from femur to anterior tibia, prevents hyperextension, and prevents tibia moving too far anteriorly on the femur Question: cruciate ligament (PCL)Answer: runs from anterioinferior femur to posterior tibia, prevents hyperflexion, and posterior displacement of tibia on the fibia Question: medial and lateral meniscusAnswer: c-shaped fibrocartilage pads that are positioned on condyles of tibia and stabilize joint medially and laterally, act as cushioning between articular surfaces, and change shape to conform to articulating surfaces Question: ankle Answer: talocrural joint and joint Question: talocrural Answer: between talus and malleoli of tibia and fibula and allow plantarflexion and Question: subtalar Answer: between talus and calcaneous (below ), and allows PF/DF (at talocrural joint), inversion and eversion |
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