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ANT Chpt 13 & 14

Anatomy Chapter 13 & 14

Which of the following is NOT true concerning hormones? Most hormones are released steadily throughout the day.
Which of the following statements concerning hormone action is NOT true? ATP is a common second messenger in target cells.
Which of the following statements is NOT true? Hypophyseal portal veins connect the posterior pituitary to the hypothalamus.
The hormone that promotes milk release from the mammary glands and that stimulates the uterus to contract is oxytocin
The gland that prepares the body to react to stress by releasing epinephrine is the adrenal
Place the following steps of the feedback loop concerning thyroid gland secretion in the correct order. b. 5, 1, 4, 2, 3
A female who is sluggish, gaining weight, and has a low body temperature may be having problems with her thyroid gland
Destruction of the alpha cells of the pancreas might result in hypoglycemia
Which of the following is NOT true concerning human growth hormone (hGH) and insulin like growth factors? They have one primary target tissue in the body.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) acts on the ___ and luteinizing hormone (LH) acts on the ___. ovaries and testes, ovaries and testes
An injection of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) would stimulates the release of cortisol
Which of the following is NOT true concerning glucocorticoids? They help to control electrolyte balance.
Mineralocorticoids are regulated by the renin-aniotensin-aldosterone pathway.
Parathroid hormone is responsible for all of the above.
Which of the following pairs of hormones have opposite effects? parathyroid hormone, clacitonin
A hormone that stops the release of FSH is inhibin
Match the following: produce thyroid hormones follicular cells
Match the following: secrete insulin beta cells
Match the following: release hormones into capillaries of the posterior pituitary neurosecretory cells
Match the following: store oxytocin posterior pituitary
Match the following: secrete glucagon alpha cells
Match the following: produce calcitonin parafollicular cells
Match the following: secrete steroid hormones adrenal cortex
In a dehydrated person, you would expect to see an increased release of aldosterone
Match the following: diabetes insipidus hyposecretion of antidiuretic hormone
Match the following: diabetes mellitus hyposecretion of insulin
Match the following: myxedema hyposecretion of thyroid hormone
Match the following: Cushing's syndrome hypersecretion of glucocorticoids
Match the following: acromegaly hypersecretion of hGH
Match the following: tetany hyposecretion of parathyroid hormone
Match the following: seasonal affective disorder hypersecretion of melatonin
Match the following: Graves disease hypersecretion of thyroid hormones
Match the following: Addison's disease hyposecretion of glucocorticoids
Indicate which stage of stress response (F/R/E): initiated by hypothalamic releasing hormones resistance
Indicate which stage of stress response (F/R/E): initiated by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system fight-or-flight
Indicate which stage of stress response(F/R/E): immediately prepares the body for action fight-or-flight
Indicate which stage of stress response(F/R/E): increase cortisol release resistance
Indicate which stage of stress response(F/R/E): short-lived response fight-or-flight
Indicate which stage of stress response(F/R/E): body resources become depleted exhaustion
Indicate which stage of stress response(F/R/E): increased release of many hormones that ensure a continued ATP supply resistance
Indicate which stage of stress response(F/R/E): failure of pancreatic beta cells; wasting of muscles exhaustion
Indicate which stage of stress response(F/R/E): nonessential body functions inhibited fight-or-flight
A hematocrit is the percentage of red blood cells in whole blood
Match the following: involved in certain immune responses globulins
Match the following: develop into mature red blood cells reticulocytes
Match the following: most abundant plasma protein albumin
Match the following: blood after formed elements are removed plasma
Match the following: plasma without clotting proteins serum
Match the following: needed for blood clotting fibrinogen
In adults, erythropoiesis takes place in red bone marrow
Match the following substances in RBC breakdown: transports iron to red bone marrow transferrin
Match the following substances in RBC breakdown: converted from non-iron portion of heme; green pigment biliverdin
Match the following substances in RBC breakdown: required for vitamin B12 absorption intrinsic factor
Match the following substances in RBC breakdown: broken down into amino acids globin
Match the following substances in RBC breakdown: contributes to yellow color in urine urobilin
Match the following substances in RBC breakdown: intestinal conversion of bilirubin urobilinogen
Match the following substances in RBC breakdown: contributes to brown color of feces stercobilin
Match the following substances in RBC breakdown: yellow-orange pigment; becomes part of bile bilirubin
Which of the following statements in NOT true about red blood cells? Red blood cells have a lobed nucleus and granular cytoplasm
The presence of erythropoietin in blood stimulates RBC producton
If a differential white blood cell count indicated higher than normal numbers of basophils, what may be occurring in the body? allergic reation
In a person with blood type A, the antibodies that would normally be present int he plasma is (are) anti-B antibody
Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) may occur in the fetus of a second pregnancy if the mother is Rh- and the baby is Rh+
Place the following steps of hemostasis in the correct order. a. 4, 6, 2, 5, 7, 1, 3
The intrinsic pathway of clotting is initiated by damage to blood vessel linings.
How does aspirin prevent thrombosis? It inhibits platelet aggregation
Match the following: become wandering macrophages monocytes
Match the following: produce antibodies lymphocytes
Match the following: are involved in allergic reactions basophils
Match the following: first to respond to bacterial invasion neutrophils
Match the following: destroy antigen-antibody complexes; combat inflammation eosinophils
Hemostasis is a series of events that stops bleeding
Which of the following are mismatched? red blood cell count of 250,000 cells/uL, normal adult male
An individual with type A blood has ___ in the plasma membranes of red blood cells. antigen A
Mom arrives at health clinic w/her ill daughter. It is suspected that she has recently dvlpd a bacterial infection. It is likely leukocyte count will be __ cells/uL of blood, a condtn known as __. A diff white blood cell count shows an abnorm high% of __. 20,000 , leukocytosis, neutrophils
Clot retraction draws torn edges of the damaged vessel closer together
Persons with blood type AB are sometimes referred to as universal recipients because their blood lacks anit-A and anti-B antibodies
A clot that is being transported by the bloodstream is called an embolus
Created by: dtgs2010
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