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Tissues Chapter 4
Term | Definition |
epithelial tissue | sheet of cells that covers a body surface or lines a body cavity |
apical surface | upper free surface exposed to the body exterior or the cavity of an internal organ |
basal surface | surface near lower side or bottom of a structure |
microvilli | fingerlike extensions of the plasma membrane |
basal lamina | adjacent to basal surface; thin supporting sheet |
reticular lamina | layer of extracellular material containing a fine network of collagen protein fibers that belongs to the underlying connective tissue |
basement membrane | reinforces the epithelial sheet, helps it resist stretching and tearing, defines epithelial boundary |
simple epithelia | single cell layer, found where secretion, absorption, and filtration occur |
stratified epithelia | composed of two or more layers stacked on top of each other, common in high-abrasion areas like skin |
squamous epithelia cells | flattened and scale-like |
cuboidal epithelia cells | boxlike, tall as they are wide |
columnar epithelia cells | tall and column shaped |
pseudostratifed epithelium | false impression that several cell layers are present |
transitional epithelium | forms the lining of hollow urinary organs |
endocrine gland | ductless glands |
exocrine gland | secrete their products onto body surfaces or into body cavities |
merocrine gland | secrete their products by exocytosis as they are produced |
holocrine gland | accumulate their products within them until they rupture |
apocrine gland | accumulate their products just only beneath free surface, present in animals |
vascularity | rich supply of blood vessels |
ground substance | unstructured material that fills the space between the cells and contains the fibers |
collagen fibers | constructed mostly of fibrous protein collagen |
elastic fibers | long, thin, form branching networks in extracellular matrix |
reticular fibers | short, fine, collagenous fibers with slightly different chemistry and form |
blast cells | immature cells |
cyte cells | mature cells |
mast cells | cluster along blood vessels, detect foreign microorganisms and initiate local inflammatory responses against them |
macrophage | large, irregularly shaped cells that avidly devour a broad variety of foreign materials |
areolar connective tissue | support and bind other tissues, holding body against fluids, defending against infection, storing nutrients as fat in adipocytes |
mesenchyme | common embryonic tissue, has fluid ground substance containing fine sparse fibers and star shaped mesenchymal cells. |
lamina propia | line body cavities open to the exterior |
adipose tissue | nutrient storing ability is much greater than areolar tissue |
adipocyte | fat cells |
brown adipose tissue | contains abundant mitochondria, which use the lipid fuels to heat the bloodstream to warm the body |
reticular connective tissue | only fibers in its matrix are reticular fibers which form a delicate network along which fibroblasts called reticular cells are scattered |
stroma | "bed" internal framework that can support many free blood cells in lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow |
myofilament | elaborate networks of the actin and myosin filaments that bring about movement or contraction in all cell types |
voluntary muscle | contraction is under our conscious control |
involuntary muscle | unconsciously controlled |
muscle fiber | long, cylindrical cells that contain many peripherally located nuclei |
intercalated discs | branching cells that fit together tightly at unique junctions |
neuron | highly specialized nerve cells that generate and conduct nerve impulses |
cutaneous membrane | skin |
mucous membrane | line all body cavities that open to the outside of the body |
serous membrane (serosae) | moist membranes found in closed ventral body cavities |
serous fluid | lubricates the facing surfaces of the parietal and visceral layers so they slide across each other easily |
scar tissue | formed when dense connective tissue proliferates |
scab | part of the clot exposed to air quickly dries and hardens |
granulation tissue | delicate pink tissue that contains capillaries that grow in from nearby areas and lay down a new capillary bed |
dense regular connective tissue | contains closely packed bundles of collagen fibers running in the same direction, parallel to the direction of the pull |
tendon | attaches muscle to bone |
ligaments | connects bones |
fascia | layers of fibrous tissue covering and separating muscle |
dense irregular connective tissue | bundles of collagen fibers are much thicker and they are arranged irregularly; if they run in more than one plane |
hyaline cartilage | gristle, most abundant cartilage in the body... matrix appears glassy blue-white when viewed by the unaided eye |
elastic cartilage | lots of elastic fibers, found where strength and exceptional stretchability are needed |
fibrocartilage | rows of chondrocytes alternate with rows of thick collagen fibers, found where strong support and the ability to stand heavy pressure are required, cartilage |
osseous tissue | bone, has exceptional ability to support and protect body structures |
osteoblasts | produce organic portion of the matrix and the bone salts are deposited on and between fibers |
osteocytes | mature bone cells, reside in the lacunae with the matrix they have made |
osteon | formed of concentric rings of bony matrix surrounding central canals containing the blood vessels and nerves serving the bone |
erythrocyte | red blood cells |
endothelium | inner covering, provides a slick friction-reducing lining in lymphatic vessels and in all hollow organs of cardiovascular system |
mesothelium | middle covering, found in serous membranes, lines the ventral body cavity and coverings its organs |