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744 Midterm

Dads of systems theory Bertalanffy and Bronfenbrenner
Parts of a system boundary, inputs, feedback, outputs, outcomes
Entropy vs. negative entropy/steady state entropy is when there is a disorder or mess, outputs>inputs negative is opposite, it is order
Classical Conditioning pavlov, you pair a conditioned response with an unconditioned response
Operant Conditioning Positive and Negative Reinforcement/Punishment Extinction can occur
Observational Learning modeling
Cognitive Theory cognition can be monitored and altered to change dysfunctional thought patterns
Schemas frameworks we create from objects, events, etc. that help us interpret reality (cog)
ABC model (cog) Activating events Beliefs Consequences
Cognitive Triad Negative Views of self - negative views of others - Negative views of world .... all in a triangle
Psychosocial School Freud based ... diagnosis dynamic, etiological, classificatory
Functional School Reject psychosocial school, use relationships to facilitate growth... birth trauma Derived from Erikson developmental model
Birth Trauma (fxnal) fear of not living and independent existence outside the womb
Problem solving model partializing problems, looking at transferences/countertransference, look at ego and how it solves problems
Psychoanalysis (Freud) hierarchy of the mind, emphasizes insight, (un)pleasures, sexual stages
Freudian Four Basic Fears (unpleasures) Loss of object, loss of love, punishment, fear of being a bad child who deserves punishment
Ego psychology (Erikson) REVIEW ALL THE STAGES BRO (one bun video)
Attachment Theory (Bowlby), 4 types secure insecure avoidant insecure ambivalent disorganized
object relations (mahler, winnicott) psychoanalytic offshoot that emphasizes interpersonal relations with objects (people) object is persons or symbols
Mahler Object Relations infants = nonrelated objects at birth and identity comes from mother-infant symbiosis stage of separation and individuation 1. differentiation 5-9mos 2. practicing 9-15mos 3. rapprochment 15-24mos 4. development of object constancy 24mo and beyond
Winnicott Object Relations mother responds to symbiotic needs of newborn, true self is infant core, false self is facade infant creates to please mom - transitional object is something like Wizzer, good for autonomy and independence of mom
Self Psychology (Kohut) relationship with self -- experiences are an extension of self without psychological differentiation. includes tripolar self, mirroring, idealizing, twinship
Self Psychology: Tripolar Self fundamental needs: exhibitionism, idealized figure (like a parent), and alter ego
Self Psychology: mirroring exhibitionism of tripolar self: approval, interest, affirmation
Self Psychology: idealizing idealized figure of tripolar: need for closeness and support from an omnipotent idealized other
Self Psychology: Twinship alter ego of tripolar: birds of a feather flock together, want friends who feel likeness to
Neurobiology: plasticity brain can reshape after new experience
neurons cells that transmit signals to one another via chemical messengers
apoptosis when neurons fail to communicate, the neurons die off
corpus collosum the part that closes the COLOSSAL gap between left and right brain
left hemisphere brain logic, language, Kory
Right hemisphere brain social emotional, nonlinear holistic thought, activated a lot during trauma and stress
vertical integration of brain fluidity between left and right hemisphere, integration of the two types, kinddaaa like wisemind
mourning symptoms distress, somatic symptoms, shock, disbelief, guilt,
complex grief the kind with no closure, the body isnt found, or it's not identifyable... makes mourning hard
seven stages of grief and loss 1. shock 2. denial 3. anger 4. bargaining 5. depression 6. testing 7. acceptance
2 prevailing strategies in social work for choosing interventions efficacy vs. effectiveness
efficacy based interventions select interventions that have shown efficacy in controlled practice research, use existing outcome research, usually control trials
effectiveness based interventions evaluation methods are used in practice and incremental changes are made as it goes,
EBPSW evidence based practice social work is effectiveness and efficacy you get the besssst of both worlds!chilling out take it slow. then you rock out the show!!
psychoanalytic: psychic conflict Psychic conflict is when two opposing trends coexist in one person like two contradictory impulses, to break a taboo or to surpass a psychological trauma. ANXIETY INDUCING, such as toilet training example in book
psychoanalytic: compromise formation max pleasure, minimum unpleasure. A balance of fantasy and reality's expectations.
psychoanalytic: id, Id: primitive pleasure seeker (you gotta show ID to have pleasure... gross but it helps me) instinctual
psychoanalytic: ego Reality principal based, decision maker, no right or wrong - just wants to direct towards pleasure in more realistic ways, the "horseback rider" of the Id.
psychoanalytic: superego that's not a bird, that's not a plane, thats superego! Moralistic. persuades ego to be more moralistic while turning id away from the gross stuff. representation of parental authority. aka Superman is Daddy
Freud's psychosocial stages 0-1 oral 1-3 anal 3-6 phallic 6 to puberty latency puberty to death genital
defenses psychological activities that reduce unpleasure of psychic conflict by blocking, inhibiting, or distorting awareness of disturbing mental contents
psychoanalytic therapy: free association get the patient to lay down (very freudian), begins to talk about whatever the heck they think of first, no regard for linear, the therapist looks for repressed themes... AFTER activity the therapist talks about repressed themes
psychoanalytic therapy: role of therapist collaborative
psychoanalytic therapy: therapeutic relationship attitude of understanding, interpersonal plays a big role
psychoanalytic therapy: resistance it is the paradoxical opposition to the process of therapy. it is a sign of defensive functioning, the therapist exposes and explores
psychoanalytic therapy: interpretation therapist interprets what the person says, a great example is in the free association technique.
Eriksons Eight (THE FIRST 4) Infancy--Trust V. Mistrust Toddler-- Autonomy V. Shame/Doubt Preschool--Initiative V. Guilt School-age--Industry V. Inferiority
Eriksons Eight (THE SECOND 4) Adolescent--Identity V. Role confusion Young adult--Intimacy V. Isolation Middle age--Generativity V. stagnation Older adult--Ego-integrity V. Despair
transference activation of feelings within therapeutic process that are repetitive and not appropriate. redirecting feelings about other people onto the therapist.
countertransference the clinician doing transference to the client, projecting feelings of positivity or negativity onto that client. Talk to the supervisor to square it away.
hippocampus memory hippo! it's also emotions
amygdala that B word Amy Anxiety makes me want to FREEZE, RUN, OR PUNCH HER..
Intervention professional steps to solve specific problems, enhance client strengths, and modify social-environmental contingencies to improve a client's psychosocial well-being
Supportive and Facilitative Skills of EBP make client at ease, listen and communicate, engender trust, empathy, genuineness, and motivate them to change
Treatment Manuals vs. Flexibility Debate
What do you assess for in a Suicide Risk Assessment? Ideation Plan Behavior Method Intent
What are some suicide ass. tools? SAFE-T, CSSR, Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
Intervention for Domestic Violence safety plan and resources (like legal services and shelter)
Benefits of evidence based social work practice offers guidelines, evidence supports it, has been tested in control trials
Cautions of Evidence Based SW Practice challenges "practice wisdom" (gasp!), situational factors can make it difficult to utilize strict procedural guidelines
Define Panic Attack overwhelming fear with physiological symptoms such as racing heart, short breath, dizzy, nausea
3 types of panic attacks 1. Unexpected / out of the blue 2. Panic in response to situation 3. Situationally Predisposed, less predictable
Is there evidence based practice models for panic disorder? no. there are methods but they don't meet criteria for EBP
Agoraphobia intense fear or anxiety triggered by real or anticipated exposure to a wide range of situations (social support can be a big help!)
DSM 5 Panic Disorder Criteria recurrent unexpected panic attacks, with symptoms of one or more of the following (high heartbeat, sweating, shaking, short breath, nausea, feeling faint, choking, derealizations, depersonalization) + fear it will happen again
What is derealization? In panic disorders, people may experience this feeling of not being in reality
what is depersonalization? in panic disorder, people may experience this feeling of not being attached to theirself. A dissociation
Panic Disorder instrument examples PASQ (panic attack symptom questionnaire) PACQ (panic attack cognitions questionnaire)
treatment used for panic disorder cbt, psychodynamic theory, in vivo exposure using gradual exposure
OCD obsessions and compulsions causing impairment and taking up more than one hour per day
define obsession intrusive dysfunctional thought that reoccurs
define compulsion repetitive behavior to feud off anxiety
OCD instruments Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS) Obsessive Compulsive Inventory (OCI)
OCD interventions cbt, ssri's, combined treatment such as cbt, exposure, and medication
who has highest suicide rates? american indians then white people
major depressive episode per the dsm 5 experiencing 5 of the symptoms during a 2 week period. such as sad, hopeless, tired, weight change, anhedonia
Dythymia shares features to depression but is chronic and less sever
bipolar disorder shifts in mood, energy and functioning. Two subtypes: Bipolar disorder I and II
Bipolar Disorder I at least 1 manic episode, with or without past depression
Bipolar Disorder II At least one episode of depression and at least 1 hypomanic episode
What makes someone at risk of suicide attempt in the future? male, having SMI, personal/family hx of suicide, previous attempts, possessing means to kill self, older adult
Suicide risk factors in those with major depression attraction to death, anhedonia, anxiety, acute suicidal ideation, acute alcohol abuse, intepersonal stress and loss
Depression Instruments (The Sad Trombone lololol) Becks Depression Inventory (BDI) Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD-D) Geriatric Depression Scaled (GDS)
Does research show that CBT is the shining example of therapy for depression? no, it's mixed.
Socratic Questioning Client taught to examine evidence of troubling thoughts. Client taught to identify cognitive distortions; client encouraged to participate in self-monitoring of thoughts and record responses (diaries, logs, charts). coping plans.
Intepersonal Therapy, not to be mistaken with the IPT with the long stupid forms for internship good long term outcomes for depression, esp in older adults, when combined with meds
IPT 3 focus areas grief, interpersonal role dispute, and role transitions
New categories in DSM 5 OCD, body dysmorphic, hoarding, hair pulling (trichotillomania), skin picking (exoriation), agoraphobia
DSM 4 to 5, because we really can't get over this... no more "retarded" somatic symptoms more client centered Autism is a spectrum types of schizo removed changes to dementia section
Mental Status Exam you should know this
Major Components of MSE appearance, motor activity, speech, affect, thought content, thought process, perception, intellect, insight
Created by: Chrissyhm
Popular Human Services sets




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