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med-term 15e

medterm 15 bone anatomy & head

osteoblasts cells that make bone
osteoclasts bone phagocytes, cells that clear away old, dead tissue
ossification bone formation
bone types long, short, flat, sesamoid
sesamoid bones small, round - resemble sesames, found near joints to incr efficiency of muscles there
bone drs rheumatologist (not surgeon), orthopedist (surgeon), osteopathic phys (DO)(surgical)
diaphysis shaft of long bone
epiphysis end of long bone
epiphysis line growth plate
metaphysis neck of long bone (flare)
periosteum strong, fibrous, vascular membrane covering bone
articular cartilage covers joints that meet other bones (cartilage)
compact bone cortical (hard, dense bone under periosteum, contains canals
haversian canals in compact bone, brings blood, ox and nutriesnt to bone, removes waste (CO2)
medullary cavity contains yellow marrow
cancellous bone spongy or trabecualr bone, more porous & dense than compact
trabeculae spongy latticework, inepiphyses & metaphyses of long bone
red bone marrow immature & mature blood cells (osteoblasts) found in spaces of cancellous bones
bone processes enlarged areas extending out of bone for muscle & tendons to attach to
bone head process- rounded end separated from bone body by neck, covered w cartilage
femoral head bone head of femur
greater trochanter lg process on femur - attach area for muscles & tendons
lesser trochanter smaller process than greater trochanter
tubercle rounded process
tuberosity small rounded elevation of bone
condyle rounded, knuckle like process at joint, usually covered w articular cartilage
fossa shallow cavity in or on bone (depression on bone)
foramen opening for blood vessels & nerves (eg: open in skull for spinal column)
foramen magnum opening in skull - occipital bone -for spinal cord to pass through to brain
fissure narrow, deep slit like opening (eg: superior orbital in eyesocket)
sinus hollow cavity in bone (in facial bones)
sutures joints - where the cranial bones join tog
fontanelles soft spot on baby head (little fountain)
frontal bone skull - front
parietal bone roof of skull
temporal around ears
occipital back & base of skull
sphenoid bone batshaped - lays infront of temporal & behind eyes
ethmoid bone thin, delicate supports nasal cavity & part of eye orbits
temporomandibular joint TMJ - connection temporal - mandibular joint
mastoid process round process of temporal
styloid process projects downward fr temporal bone
sella turcica depression in sphenoid bone
nasal bones 2 slender bones support bridge of nose
lacrimial 2 sm thin bones at corner of eye (tear gland area)
maxillary 2 upper jawbone (maxillae)
cleft palate maxillary bones do not suture < birth
mandibular bone lower jawbone (mandible)
alveoli sockets in maxillary and mandibular for teeth to form
zygomatic bones 2 high cheeks
vomer thin single flat bone forms lower nasal septum
sinuses air cavities w/in cranial & facial bones
Created by: gma.d
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