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chapter 18&20
Question | Answer |
4 mechanisms of intercellular transmissions | 1. direct2. paracine3. hormones4. synaptic |
direct communication | transmission through gap junctions(tube-like); limited to adj. cells of the same type |
paracine comm. | transmission: through ISF; limited to local areas, target cells must have receptors |
endocrine communication | transmission: through cir. system; target cells are primarily in other tissues and organs |
synaptic communication | transmission: across synp. celft; limited to very specific areas. |
Endocrine system function | maintains homeostasis |
endocrine system secretes | chemical messages |
why is the endocrine system unique | secreted into body fluids; hormones act over long distances; secreted in small quantites |
endocrine system regulates | metabolism |
describe eicosanoids | important paracine factors that corrd. cellular activity and affect enezymatic processes such as blood contraction |
function of leukotrienes | coord. tissue responses to injury or disease |
function of prostaglandins | coord. local cellular activites |
function of thromboxanes | involved in inflammatory response; have strong paracrine effects |
function of prostacyclins | have same affect as thromboxanes; involved in infl. response; strong paracrin effect |
explain basic structure and enterence of steriod into the cell | steriods are lipids structually similar to cholestrol; steriod hormones are bound to specific transport proteins in plasma. liver absorbs and converts them to a soulable form that is excreated. |
enterence of nonsteriod | do not enter cell but bind to plsma membrane |
two second messenger enezymes describe them | messengers are molecules that relay signals recieved at receptors; amplify strengh of signal |
endocrine reflect: simple and complex | simple= onecomplex= 2 or more hormones |
purpose of a second messenger in non-steroid hormones | cause signal strength to amplify |
difference b/t up and down regulation of hormones | up: the absense of a hormone triggers incrase in number of hormonesdown: presnse of hormones triggers a decrease in number of hormone receptors |
structure and function of Growth Hormone (GH) | function: stimulates cell grown and replication by accelerating the rate of protein synthesis |
ACTH structure and function | function: stimulates the relase of steriod hormones by adrenal cortex. |
FSH structure and function | function: secretion of estrogen, follicle dev. stimulation of sperm maturation |
LH s and f | induces ovulation, promotes secretion by ovaries(f). secretion of progesterone/ testosterone (m). |
The ACTH target cells | suprarenal cortex |
PRL | production of milk; |
PRL target cells | mammary glands |
GH target cells | all cells |
FSH target cells | follicle cells of ovaries; nurse cells of testes |
LH target cells | follicle cells of ovaries |
MSH | increased melanin synthese in epidermisM |
MSH target cells | melanocytes |
ductless, glandular: high vascular; gives every endocrine cell immediate accress to circulartory system. turn on endocrine glands or support functions of other organs | Adendohypophysis |
why is neurohypophysis unique | doesnt produce just secretes |
in ____ tissue, GH stim. the breakdown of stored _____ by adipocytes, which release fatty acids in blood. as fatty acid levels rise, many tissues stop breaking down glucose and start breaking down fatty acids to gen. ATP | glucose sparing effect |
in ____, GH stim. break down of ____ reserves by liver cells, which release glucose into blood stream. tissues now met. fatty acids rather than glucose, blood glucose rises. elevation of blood glucose has been called | diabetogenic effect |
L, S and F of hypophseal portal system | L: anteior lobe of pituitary gland and hypothal.s: 2 capillary beds connected in series by venulesF: carries blood from cap. in hypotalamus to cap. in adenohypophysis |
hormones pro. by hypothalamus | ADH and OXY |
decreases amt of water lost at the kidneys | ADH |
stim. SM contraction in walls of uterus, promoting delivery and labor | OXy |
L, S and F of thyroid | L: anterior sturface of tracheaS: 2 lobes of thyroid gland united by isthmusF:controls metabolism, pro T3, T4 and iodine |
describe structure of adrenal medulla and function | S: small and triangularF: secretes E and NE |
function of cortisol | roles in reg. of blood pressue and cardiovascular function as well as reg. use of proteins carbs and fats. |
function of melationin | prevents damg. by free radiclaes to the skin and protects underlying tissue (basal lamina) |
S, L and function of pancreas | L: posterior to parietal pericardiumS: flatted elongated glands, pancreatic isletsF: exo; secretes digestive enezymes endo: hormones pro insulin and glucagon |
work in opposition of each other | antagonisitc |
ex; glucagon and insulin | antagonistic |
work together or additive function | synergistic effect |
ex: GH works better with glucocoriods | synergistic |
one hormone is nec. for another one to work | permissive effect |
ex: E and T3 and T4 | permissive |
things work diff. when together. usually complementary | integrative effect |
ex: calcitrol and PTH | integrative |
GH underproduction | pituitary growth failure |
Gh overproduction | Gigantism |
GH princible signs and symptoms for over | retarded growth |
GH pric. signs and symptons for under | excessive growth |
AHD overproduction and symptoms | diabetes insipidus; poluria or dehydration |
AHD under and symp. | SIADH; increase body weight |
T3 and T4 over and symp | myxedema; low metabolic rate |
T3 and T4 under and symptoms | Graves disease, high metabolic rate |
PTH under and symp | hypoparathyoidism; muscular weakness |
PTH over and symp | hyperparathoidism; weak and brittle bones |
Insulin over and symp. | Diabetes mellitus; high blood glucose |
Insulin over and symp | Excess insulin; low blood glucose levels |
MCs under and symp | Hypoaldosteronism; polyuria |
MCs over and symps. | Aldosteronism; increase body weight |
GCs under and symp | addison disease; inability to tolerate stress |
GCs over and symp. | cushing diease; impared gluclose metabolism |
E, NE overproduction and symp | pheochromocytoma; high metabolic rate |
estrogen under and symp | hypogonadism; sterility |
estrogen over and symp; | adrenogenital syndrom; overpro. of androgens |
androgens under and symp | hypogonadism; sterility |
androgens over and symp | adrenogenital syndrom; ab. pro of estrogen |
S, L and F of pericardium | L: sack or skin around heartS: loose elastic tissueF: secures heart in place |
Endocardium S, L and F | S:endothelium and areolar CTL: inner surfaceF: forms cuspin valves |
Myocardium S, L and F | S: cardiac muscle and CTL: middle wall of heartF: forms bulk of heart |
Epicardium S, L and F | S: areolar tissue and mesotheliumL: covers outer surfaceF: protects heart |
4 heart chambers S, L and f | S: l:F:Pumps blood throughout heart and body |
2 AV valvles | S: fibrous tissueL: opening between atrium and ventriclesF: permit blood flow in one direct only. atria to ventricles |