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A & P Quiz #4
Vocabulary Quiz
Question | Answer |
Hirsutism | Excessive hair growth, especially in women. |
Hypophysectomy | Surgical removal of the pituitary gland. |
Prolactinoma | The most common type of pituitary gland tumor, which causes hypersecretion of prolactin and menstrual disturbances in women. |
Psychosocial Dwarfism | Reduced stature and failure to thrive resulting from stress and emotional disorders that supress hypothalamic release of growth hormone-releasing hormone, thus limiting growth hormone secretion. |
Thyroid Storm | A sudden and dangerous increase in the amounts of circulating thyroid hormone (TH) due to stress, excessive intake of TH supplements or injury to the thyroid gland. Symptons include fever, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, dehydration, nervoussness, |
Exophthalmos | An abnormal protrusion of the eyes. |
Pheochromocytoma | A tumor of the adrenal medulla which usually causes high blood pressure. |
Polyphagia | Excessive eating. |
Thyroiditis | Inflammation of the thyroid gland. |
Ascites | Abnormal accumulation of the fluid within the peritoneal cavity which can be due to liver cirrhosis, heart disease, or kidney disease. |
Colitis | Inflammation of the large intestine (colon). |
Endoscopy | Visual examination, of the ventral body cavity or the interior of a tubular visceral organ, with a flexible tubelike device which contains a lens and a light device (i.e. endoscope). |
Enteritis | Inflammation of the intestine, usually the small intestine. |
Gastrectomy | Removal of all or part of the stomach, common in severe cases of gastric ulcers. |
Hemochromatosis | A syndrome caused by a disorder in iron metabolism due to excess iron getting into the body where it is deposited in the tissues causing skin pigmentation, and increases the likelihood of getting hepatic cancer or liver cirrhosis. |
Peptic Ulcers | Collective term referring to gastric and duodenal ulcers. |
Ileus | A condition in which all GI tract movement stops and the gut appears to be paralyzed. Can be due to electrolyte imbalances or a blockage of parasympathetic impulses by drugs. |
Pancreatitis | A rare but extremely serious inflammation of the pancreas which usually occurs when the pancreatic enzymes get activated in the duct and start digesting the pancreas and its ducts. |
Proctology | Study of the colon, rectum, and anus and the diseases associated with them. |
Pyloric Stenosis | Congenital abnormality in which the pyloric sphincter is abnormally constricted, which causes projectile vomiting when the child begins taking solid food. Corrected with surgery. |
Xerostomia | Extreme dryness of the mouth. |
Aphagia | Inability to swallow. |
Cholestasis | Condition in which the flow of bile from the gallbladder is prevented. |
Dumping Syndrome | A set of symptoms, including diarrhea, that often occur following a gastrectomy. |
Dysentery | An intestinal infection, caused by viruses, bacteria or protozoans, that is accompanied by diarrhea and cramps. |
Dysepsia | Indigestion |
Glossitis | Inflammation of the tongue. |
Appetite | A psychological desire for food. |
Hunger | A psychological need for food. |
Cachexia | A state of chronic malnutrition and physical wasting. |
Casein | The primary protein found in milk. |
Emaciation | Extreme leanness due to tissue wasting. |
Hyperglycemia | Excess glucose in the blood. |
Hyperkalemia | Excess potassium in the blood. |
Hypernatremia | Excess sodium in the blood. |
Hypercalciuria | Excess excretion of calcium in the urine. |
Hypothermia | Low body temperature resulting from prolonged uncontrolled exposure to cold. As the body gets colder, psychological processes slow down until it causes death. |
Hypoglycemia | A low level of glucose in the blood. |
Ideal Weight | The average, but not necessarily the most desirable, weight given in insurance tables for persons of a given height and sex. |
Kwashiorkor | Severe protein deficiency in children, resulting in mental retardation and failure to grow. This is charcterized by a bloated abdomen. |
Marasmus | Extreme wasting in infants due to diarrheic diseases during infancy and a poor diet. |
Pica | Craving and eating substances not normally considered nutrients (e.g. clay). |