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Nervous system 10kat
nerves, brain and spinal cord
Question | Answer |
acetylcholine | neurotransmitter, chemical released at the end of nerve cells |
afferent nerve | carries messages toward the brain and spinal cord(sensory nerve) |
arachnoid membrane | middle layer of the three membranes(meninges) |
astrocyte | type of glial(neuroglial) cell |
autonomic nervous system | nerves that control involuntary body functions of muscles, glands and internal organs |
axon | microscopic fiber that carries nervous impulse along a nerve cell |
blood-brain barrier | capillaries that selectively let certain substances enter and keep other substances out |
brainstem | conncets the cerebrum with the pons and medulla oblongata |
cauda equina | collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord |
cell body | part of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus |
Central nervous system (CNS) | brain and the spinal cord |
cerebellum | posterior part of the brain |
cerebral cortex | outer region of the cerebrum |
cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) | circulates through out the brain and spinal cord |
cerebrum | largest part of the brain |
cranial nerves | 12 pairs of nerves that carries messages to and from the brain, except the vagus nerve (10th nerve) |
dendrite | microscopic branching fiber of a nerve cell, first part to recieve the nervous impulse |
dura mater | thick outermost layer of the meninges |
efferent nerve | carries messages away from the brain and spinal cord; motor nerve |
ependymal cell | lines mebranes within the brain and spinal cord |
ganglion | collection of nerve cell bodies in the peripheral nevous system |
glial cell (neuroglial cell) | supportive and connective nerve cell that does not carry nervous impulses |
gyrus | sheet of convoluted nerve cells |
hypothalamus | portion of the brain beneath the thalamus, controls sleep, appetite body temp and secretions of pituitary gland |
medulla oblongata | part of the brain just above the spinal cord, controls breathing, heartbeat and the size of blood vessels, nerve fibres cross over here |
meninges | three protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord |
microglial cell | phagocytic cell that removes waste products from the central nevous system |
motor nerve | carries messages away from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and organs, efferent nerve |
myelin sheath | covering of white fatty tissue |
nerve | macroscopic cord-like collection of fibers that carry electrical impulses |
neuron | nerve cell that carries impulses throughout the body |
neurotransmitter | chemical released at the end of a nerve cell |
oligodendroglial cell | glial cell that forms the myelin sheath covering axons |
parasympathetic nerves | involuntary autonomic nerves that regulate normal body functions like heart rate breathing and muscles of the gastrointestinal tract |
parenchyma | essential distinguishing tissue of an organ or system |
peripheral nervous system | nerves outside the brain and spinal cord; cranial,spinal and autonomic nerves |
pia mater | thin delicate membrane of the meninges |
plexus | large interlacing network of nerves |
pons | bridge connecting various parts of the brain |
receptor | organ that recieves a nervous stimulus |
sciatic nerve | nerve extending from the base of the spine down the thigh, lower leg and foot |
sensory nerve | carries messages toward the brain and spinal cord from a receptor afferent nerve |
spinal nerves | 31 pairs of nerves arising from the spinal nerve |
stimulus | agent of change(light sound touch) in the internal or external environment that evokes a response |
stroma | connective and supporting tissue of an organ. glia cells are the stromal tissue of the brain |
sulcus | depression or groove in the surface of the cerebral cortex; fissure |
sympathetic nerves | autonomic nerves that influence bodily functions involuntarily in times of stress |
synapse | space through which a nervous impulse travels between nerve cells or between nerve and muscle of or glandular cells |
thalamus | main relay center of the brain |
vagus nerve | thenth cranial nerve (cranial nerve X) |
ventricles of the brain | canals in the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid |
cerebell/o | cerebellum |
cerebellar | pt to cerebellum |
cerebr/o | cerebrum |
cerebrospinal fluid | fluid pt to the cerebrum |
dur/o | dura mater |
subdural hematoma | collection of blood pt to below the dura mater |
epidural hematoma | collection of blood pt to above the dura mater |
encephal/o | brain |
encephalitis | inflammation of the brain |
encephalopathy | disease condition of the brain |
anencephaly | condition of no brian |
gli/o | glial cells |
glioblastoma | immature malignant tumor of glial cells |
lept/o | thin slender |
leptomeningeal | pt to thin meninges |
mening/o, meningi/o | membranes, meninges |
meningeal | pt to the meninges |
meningioma | tumor of the meninges |
myelomeningocele | hernia of the spinal cord and meninges |
my/o | muscle |
myoneural | pt to muscle nerves |
myel/o | spinal cord (means bone marrow in other contexs) |
myelogram | record of the spinal cord |
poliomyelitis | inflammation of gray matter of the spinal cord |
neur/o | nerve |
neuropathy | disease condition of nerves |
polyneuritis | inflammation of many nerves |
pont/o | pons |
cerebellopontine | pt to cerebellum and pons |
ine | pt to |
radicul/o | nerve root(of spinal nerves) |
radiculopathy | disease condition of a nerve root |
radiculitis | inflammation of nerve root |
thalam/o | thalamus |
thalamic | pt to thalamus |
thec/o | sheath(refers to the meniges) |
intra thecal injection | injection pt to within the sheath |
vag/o | pt to vagus nerve |
alges/o, algesia | excessive sensitivity to pain |
analgesia | condition of no sensitivity to pain |
hypalgesia | diminished sensitivity to pain |
-algia | pain |
neuralgia | nerve pain |
cephalgia | head pain |
caus/o | burning |
causalgia | burning pain |
comat/o | deep sleep(coma) |
comatose | pt to deep sleep |
coma | state of deep sleep |
-esthesia, esthesi/o | feeling nervous sensation |
anesthesia | no feeling or nervous sensation |
anesthetics | agents that reduceor eliminate sensation |
hyperesthesia | increased feeling , sensation |
paresthesia | abnormal feeling sensation |
kines/o,kinesi/o, -kinesia. -kinesis, -kinetic | movement |
bradykinesia | slow movement |
hyperkenesis | excessive movement |
dyskinesia | difficult movement |
akinetic | no movement |
-lepsy | seizure |
epilepsy | above seizure |
narcolepsy | sleep seizure |
lex/o | word phrase |
dyslexia | condition of difficult word phrase |
-paresis | weakness |
hemiparesis | right or left half of the body weakness |
-phasia | speech |
aphasia | no speech |
-plegia | paralysis |
hemiplegia | right or left half of the body paralysis |
paraplegia | paralysis of the lower part of the body |
quadriplegia | paralysis of four exrtemities |
-praxia | action |
apraxia | no action |
-sthenia | strength |
neurasthenia | no nerve stength |
syncop/o | to cut off cut short |
syncopal | pt to cut off, cut short, fainting |
tax/o | order, coordination |
ataxia | condition of no order coordination |
hydroephalus | abnormal accumualtion of fluid(CSF) in the brain , circulation of spinal fluid is impared so a shunt is used to drain extra fluid |
spina bifida | congenital defects in the lumbar spinal column caused by union of vertabral parts(neural tube defect),meningocele,myelomeningocele, reasons unknown |
Alzheimer disease (AD) | brain disorder marked by gradual and progressive mental deterioration(dementia), personality changes, and impairment of daily functioning, confusion, memory failure, disorientation, restlessness, anxiety,senile, plaques, neurofibrillary tangles |
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) | degenerative disorder of motor neurons in the spinal cord and the brain stem,maifests in adulthood,weakness, difficulty in swallowing, walking,cure unknown, Lou Ghrig disease |
epilepsy | chronic brain disorder characterized by recurrent seizure activity |
tonic-clonic seizure | grand mal or ictal evenets |
aura | peculiar sensation experienced by the affected person before onset of seizure |
absence seizures | petite mal siezures, minor form of seizure, |
Huntington disease | hereditary disorder marked by degenerative changes in the cerebrum leading to abrupt involuntary movements and mental deterioration, dance like movements jerking movements,chromosome 4 |
multiple sclerosis(MS) | destructiom of the myelin sheath on neurons in the CNS and its replacement by plaques of sclerotic(hard)tissue |
myasthenia gravis (MG) | autoimmune neuromuscular disorder characterized by weakness of voluntary muscles, thymectomy is a method of treatment |
palsy | paralysis (partial or complete loss of motor function) cerebral palsy partial paralysis and lack of muscular coordination from lack of oxygen during pregnancy |
Bells palsy | paralysis on one side of the face, from viral infection |
parkinson disease | degeneration of neurons in the basal ganglia, occuring later in life and leading to tremors weakness of muscles and slowness of movement, pallitave care |
Tourette syndrome | involuntary, spasmodic twitching movements;uncontrollable vocal sounds and inappropriate words |
herpes zoster | viral infection affecting peripheral nerves,shingles |
meningitis | inflammation of the meninges,leptomeningitis viral,bacterial |
human immunodeficiently virus encephalopathy (HIV) | brain disease and dementia occuring with aids |
brain tumor | abnormal growth of brain tissue and meninges, gliomas, astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma,glioblastoma multiforme |
cerebral concussion | temporary brain dysfunction (brief loss of consciousness) after injury usually clearing in 24 hoursn (feinting) |
cerebral contusion | bruising of brain tissue as a result of direct trauma to the head, neurologic deficits persit longer than 24 hours, fracture of the skull |
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) | disruption in the normal blood supply to the brain, stroke, also known as cerebral infarction |
Thrombotic | blood clot, stroke |
TIA | transient ischemic attacks, short episodes of neurologic dysfunction |
embolic | an embolus a dislodged thrombus, travels to the cerebral arteries and occludes a small vessel, happens quite suddenly |
hemorthagic | a blood vessel such as the cerebral artery breaks and bleeding occurs, this stroke can be fatal can result from age,artherosclerosis,high blood pressure, |
aneurism | weakened area in a vessel that balloons and and may eventually bursdt(younger patient0 |
tPA | tissue plasminogen activator, medicine started within three hours of stroke |
migraine | severe recurring unilateral, vascular headache |
aura | peculiar sensations that preceed the onset of illness |
absence seizure | minor petite mal form of seizure |
astrocytoma | malignant tumor of astrocyte (glial brain cells) |
dopamine | CNS neurotransmitter, deficient in patients with Parkinsons |
gait | manner of walking |
occlusion | blockage |
palliative | releiving symptoms but not curing them |
thymectomy | removal of the thymus gland, used in treatment of myasthenia gravis |
tic | involuntary movement of a small group of muscles, as of face, (tourette) |
cerebrospinal fluid analysis | samples of CSF are examined |
cerebral angiography | xray imaging of the arterial blood vessel in the brain after injection of contrast material(in thigh) |
computed tomography of the brain (CT) | xray technique that generates computerized multiple imshes of the brain and spinal cord |
myelography | xray imaging of the spinal canal after injection of contrast medium into the subarachnoid space |
magnetic resonance imaging MRI | magnetic field and pulse of radiowave energy create images of the brain and spinal cord |
positron emission tomography scan (PET) | radioactive glucose is injected and then detected in the brain to image the metabolic actyivity of cells, info about brain cells |
doppler ultrasound studies | sound waves detect blood flow in the cartoid and intracranial arteries |
electroencephalography EEG | recording of the electrical activity of the brain |
lumbar puncture LP | CSF is withdtrawn from between two lumbar vertabrae for analysis |
steiotactic radiosurgery | use of a specialized instrument to locate and treat targets in the brain, inaccessible brain tumors and abnormal blood vessels |