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Ch. 9-Cardiovascular

The Cardiovascular-Terminology-By Ann DePetris

Two medical roots terms for vessel angi/o, and vaso/o
Medical root term for crown coron/o
Medical prefix meaning pressure tens-
Medical root for ventricle ventricul/o
Medical root term for clot thromb/o
Medical root for dilated varic/o
What does cardiovascular system do Delivers oxygen and nutrients to body cells helps regular body temperature, and collect waste products from the cells and ransport them to other parts of the body for elimination.
What are the three layer of the heart endocardium, myocardium, epicardium
What is medical term for the sac that surrounds the heart pericardium
What is the inner layer of the pericardium epicardium
What is the name of the wall seperating the heart septum
What does the right side of the heart do pumps deoxygenated blood to the pulmonary circuit (lungs) where it picks up oxygen
What does the left side of the heart do pumps the oxygenated blood to all other part of the body through the systemic circuit
What is the right artrioventricular valve called tricuspid valve
What is the left artrioventricular valve called bicuspid (mitral) valve
What are the exit valves called semilunar
What is the exit point for leaving the right ventricle pulmonary semilunar valve
Name of the valve located left ventricle and the aorta. aortic semilunar valve
What is the pacemaker of the heart called Sinoatrial (SA) node
What is the secon electrical impulse node called atrioventricular (AV) node
Where does the artrioventricular (AV) node transmits electrical impusles Bundle of His
Where does the Bundle of His transmits impulses to Prukinje fibers
Each contraction called systole
Relaxation phase called diastole
The electrical activity of the heart can be visualized and recorded on an _____________ electrocardiogram ( ECG or EKG )
A normal or __________________ originates in the SA node and has a normal rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute (BPM). sinus rhythm
Three phases of cardiac cycle Diastole, atrial systole, ventricular systole
The ________ of a blood vessel is the opening through which blood fl ows. lumen
The nervous system can stimulate the lumen to be more open, called ___________ (sometimes vasodilatation) (vas/o means “vessel”; dilation from the English verb dilate , meaning “to open up a hollow structure”), or more closed, called __________ vasodilation, vasoconstriction
Blood pressure can be measured by several methods, but the most common is with an instrument called a ______________ sphygmomanometer
Common name for sphygmomanometer blood pressure cuff
The formed elements in blood consist of red blood cells (RBCs), or ______ ; platelets, or ; and white blood cells (WBCs) , or erythrocytes,thrombocytes,leukocytes
The oxygen binds to a protein in the red blood cell called hemoglobin (Hb),
What is Hb hemoglobin
What is HDL High-density lipoprotein
What is HR Heart Rate
What is HTN Hypertension
What is ICU Intensive Care Unit
What is LDL Low-density lipoprotein
What is MI myocardion ifarction
What is P pulse
What is PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
What is RBC Red Blood Cell
What is SA sinoatrial
What is SOB shortness of breath
What is WBC white blood cell
________ are drugs that increase the force of the myocardial contractions with-out causing an increase in oxygen consumption; they are used in CHF and sometimes atrial fi brillation. Cardiac glycosides
_______ restore heart rhythm to nor-mal. Antiarrhythmics
______ remove water or fl uid from the body, thus decreasing blood pressure and work-load of the heart. Diuretics
______________ increase the lumen of the blood vessels (dilate the vessels). This action increases blood fl ow and also treats hypertension (high blood pressure). Vasodilators
__________ decrease the inside diameter of the blood vessels, causing an increase in blood pressure. Vasoconstrictors are used to treat hypotension (low blood pressure) and shock. Vasoconstrictors
_________ (anti- means “against”; angina is constricting chest pain) drugs are used to treat angina or chest pain. They frequently are part of the drug group, nitrates, and cause vasodilation by relaxing the vascular smooth muscle. Antianginal
_______ block the production of cholesterol in the liver. They lower LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and triglycerides and have a mild effect in raising HDL (“good” cholesterol). Because of the job they do, statins are part of a group called _______ drugs. Statins, antihyperlipidemic
A blood ___________ is any abnormal-ity of the blood. dyscrasia(dys- means “bad”; -crasia means “blending” or “mixture”)
There are three major types of abnormalities involving the blood: ______ , _________ , and __________ . anemia,leukemia,clotting disorders
_________ An abnormally low level of hemoglobin or low level of RBCs, caused by exces-sive bleeding or hemorrhage, other conditions causing blood cells to rupture, or failure of bone marrow to produce RBCs Anemia
_________ Characterized by an excessive increase in the number of WBCs Leukemia
_______ hereditary bleeding disorder caused by a defi ciency of a special clotting factor hemophilia
________ insufficient number of thrombocytes caused by insuffi cient production or increased destruction) thrombocytopenia (-penia is a suffi x meaning “a defi ciency”;
___________ (extreme clotting or coagulation caused by massive burns, trauma, cancer, or infection) disseminated intravascular coagulation
______________ is diagnosed when the heart cannot effectively pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs for oxygen and nutrients. Congestive heart failure (CHF )
Over time, an increase in blood pressure can cause the arterial walls to become hard and thick, resulting in __________. arteriosclerosis
arteriosclerosis and hypertrophy can be caused by ________ over time. high blood pressure
________ , occurs when the systolic blood pressure ex-ceeds 140 mmHg or the diastolic pressure is greater than 90 mmHg. hypertension ( HTN )
_________ , a method of treatment for fi brillation, involves the application of an electric current to restore a normal heart rhythm. Cardioversion
________ , applying radiofrequency waves to the heart, is used to cure a variety of cardiac arrhythmias, such as some tachycardias and atrial fi brillation. Ablation therapy
sustained __________, in which the ventricles ineffectively pump blood, can be fatal. ventricular fibrillation
___________ occurs when the atria beat faster than the ventricles. Atrial fibrillation (A-fib)
_________ describes rapid, random, and ineffective contractions of the heart. Fibrillation
___________ is a formation of a blood clot, or thrombus, in a blood vessel ( Thrombosis (thromb/o means “blood clot”)
A_____________( MI ) , or heart at-tack, results from a lack of oxygen supply to the myocardium. myocardial infarction (MI)
What is the root work for death necr/o
_________________ (insertion of a catheter and contrast dye into the coronary arteries to detect blockage), cardiac catheterization
_________ (an ultrasonic evaluation of the motion of the heart), echocardiography
A ________________ (also sometimes called a thallium stress test) may also be ordered to assess the blood fl ow through the heart during a dictated activity. nuclear stress test
_________ agents may be administered directly into the coronary artery to dissolve the clot, open up the artery, and restore blood fl ow. Thrombolytic (-lysis means “destroy”)
___________ Surgical removal of the inner lining of an artery that is blocked with atheromatous plaques Endarterectomy (end- means “within, inner”; arter/o means “artery”; -ectomy means “surgical removal”):
__________ Involves the insertion of a balloon-tipped catheter to open the blocked coronary artery. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) (per- means “through”; cutane/o means “skin”; -ous means “pertaining to”; angi/o means “vessel”; -plasty means “surgical repair”):
____________ is a mesh tube that is implanted into an artery to provide support and prevent re-stenosis Arterial stent
______________ An open thoracic surgical procedure to graft another blood vessel ( oronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
Created by: yahyalab
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