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BIO201 - Ch 12 - Central Nervous System - Marieb/Hoehn - Rio Salado - AZ
Question | Answer |
Cephalization | Elaboration ofthe rostral (anterior) portion of CNS |
The __ differentiates rapidly by the 4th week into the CNS | Neural Tube |
The brain forms __ & spinal cord develops from __ portion of neural tube. | Anteriorly (rostrally) - caudal (posterior) |
3 primary brain vesicles | Prosencephalon (forebrain), mesencephalon (midbrain), & rhombencephalon (hindbrain) |
Encephalo | "brain" |
Secondary brain vesicles | Primary vesicles divide into 5 secondary vesicles |
The cerebral hemispheres (cerebrum) come from? | Telencephalon which sprouts 2 latteral swellings @ 5 wks. |
Cortex | outer layer of brain consisting of neuron cell bodies. |
Hollow ventricular chambers are filled w/__ & lined with __. | Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) - ependymal cells |
Interventricular Foramen | Foramen of Monro - channel that allows communication between lateral ventricles & 3rd ventricle. |
Cerebral Aqueduct | Canal-like structure linking 3rd & 4th ventricle. |
The 4th ventricle is continuous w/__. | The central canal of the spinal cord. |
The lateral & median aperatures connect 4th ventricle to __. | The subarachnoid space - fluid-filled space surrounding brain. |
The elevated ridges of cerebral hemisphere are the __ & the shallow grooves __. Deeper groves are __. | Gyri, sulci, fissures. |
Longitudinal fissure | Separates cerebral hemispheres |
Transverse cerebral fissure | Separates cerebral hemispheres from cerebellum. |
Name the 5 lobes of each hemisphere. | Frontal, parietal, temporal,occipital, & insula. |
The frontal lobes like in the __. | Anterior cranial fossa |
Conscious mind is found in the __. | Cerebral Cortex |
Gray Matter | Neuron cell bodies, dendrites, glia & blood vessels, but NO FIBER TRACTS. |
Specific motor & sensory functions are localizedin descrete cortical __. | Domains |
Cerebral cortex contains 3 functional areas. | Motor, sensory, & association |
All neurons in the cortex are __. | Interneurons |
What anatomical landmark separates motor areas of cerebral cortex from sensory areas? | Central Sulcus |
Primary motor corex located where? | Precentral gyrus of frontal lobe of each hemisphere. |
Pyramidal Cells | Lg. neurons that allow us to consciously control voluntary movements of skeletal muscles - long axons. |
The entire body is represented spatially in the __. | Primary motor cortex of each hemisphere. |
Somatotopy | Mapping of body in CNS structures (motor homunculus). |
Premotor cortex | Controls learned motor skills - repetitious-memory bank for skilled motor activities. |
Broca's Area | In 1 hemosphere only - motor speech area. |
Frontal eye field | controls voluntary eye movements |
Primary somatosensory cortex | resides in postcentral gyrus of parietal lobe - re. info from somatic sensors - spacial discrimination. |
Spacial discrimination | Rec. info from proprioceptros (position sense receptors) & identifying body region being stimulated. |
Somatosensory association cortex | Integrates sensory inputs relayed to it by primary somatosensory cortex & associates it to produce understanding. |
Primary visual (striate) cortex | Occipital lobe (located in) - largest cortical sensory area - rec. visual info. |
Visual association area | Uses past visual experienceto interpret visual stim. |
Primary auditory cortex | Temporal lobe (location) - rec. auditory stimulation |
Auditory association area | "perceives" sound stimulus using sound memories. |
Olfactory (smell) cortex | Medial aspect of temporal lobe - piriform lobe - conscious awarenessof odors - part of primitive rhinencephalon. |
Gustatory (taste) cortex | In insula - perception of taste. |
Visceral sensory area | In cortex of insula - conscious perception of viseral sens. |
Vestibular (equilibrium) cortex | In posterior partof insula - conscious awareness of balance. |
Multimodal association cortex | Where sensations, thoughts, & emotions become conscious & makes us what we are. |
Multimodal association areas - 3 parts | Anterior (prefrontal),posterior, & limbic |
Anterior association area | Frontal lobe - prefrontal cortex - most complicated cognition, recall & personality. Develops slowly - maturity. |
"Maturity" can be attributed to maturity of __. | Prefrontal cortex |
Posterior association area | Large area - temporal, parietal, & occipital - recognized patterns, faces, etc. - Wernicke's area here - language. |
Limbic association area | Cingulate & parahippocampal gyrus, & hippocampus - emotional impact - danger - memories. |
Lateralization | Division of labor into hemispheres. |
Left hemisphere | Control of language, abilities, math, & logic. |
Right hemisphere | Visual-spatial skills, intuition, emotion, creativity. |
Cerebral white matter | Responsible for communication between cerebral areas & cortex & lower CNS centers. Myelinated fibers bundled into large tracts. |
Fibers & tracts have 3 classification directions. | Commissural (horizontal), association (verticle), or projection (verticle). |
Commissures | Composed of commissural fibers (horizontal) - connect gray areas of both hemispheres - largest is corpus callosum. |
Corpus Callosum | Deep w/in longitudinal fissure - largest commissure - connects both hemispheres so they can coordinate. |
Association Fibers | Connect different parts of same hemisphere. |
Projection Fibers | Tie cortex to rest of nervous system - run vertically. |
Internal Capsule | compact band of projection fibers on top of brain stem - fans out (coronal radiata) to cerebral wt.matter to cortex. |
Basal Nuclei | Regulate attention & cognition - Caudate nucleus, putamon, & globus pallidus - collection of nerve bodies in CNS |
Where does Parkenson's hit? | Basal Nuclei |
Diencephalon | Central core of forebrain - thalamus, hypothalamus, & epithalamus. |
Thalamus | Info from body is sorted out & relayed to cortex - mediates sensation, motor activities, cortical arousal, learning & memory - contains lg. # of nuclei. |
What is known as the "gateway to the cerebral cortex?" | The Thalamus |
Pons | Hindbrain region - traffic center for signals between cerebellum & forebrain. |
Midbrain | Coordinates reflex responses to sights & sounds - has the "tectum" (roof of gray matter). Cerebral peduncles, cerebral aqueduct, & tectum. |
Forebrain | Most highly developed region - includes cerebrum, olfactory bulbs, thalamus, & hypothalamus. |
Cerebrum | Information is processed & responses are integrated. |
Hypothalamus | Caps brain stem - main visceral control center - regulates body activities: temp, autonomic control center, sleep-wake, & endocrine. |
Epithalamus | Pineal gland here - regulates sleep-wake cycle. |
Brain Stem | Autonomic behaviors, instincts - Superior to inferior - midbrain, pons, & medulla oblongata. Gray embedded in white - reticular formation that helps govern nerv sys as whole. |
Cerebral peduncles | Verticle pillars holding up cerebrum. |
__ nerve carries signals to the heart. | Vagus |
__ controls unconscious control of motor activity. | Cerebellum |
__ is major coordinating center for sensory signal. | Thalamus |
Thalamus | Sensory relay switchboard - coordinates sensory imput & relays signals to cerebrum. |
Hypothalamus | The body's supercenter for controlling homeostatic adjustments in internal organs. |
Reticular Formation | Balance, posture, & muscle tone - Low-level motor pathway - major network of interneurons. |
Limbic System | Governs emotions & "gut" reactions like rage. |
Cerebellum | Language, dexterity, movement, & balance - occurs spontaneously - motor control & sense of position. |
3 Divisions of the Brain | Hindbrain, midbrain & forebrain. |
Hindbrain | Medulla oblongata, cerebellum, & pons - relfex center for respiration, blood circ., coughing. |
Superior Colliculi | Visual reflex center - coordinate hand & eye movements when following an object. |
Inferior Colliculi | Auditory relay to sensory cortex - startle reflex |
Substantia Nigra | High content of melanin - dopamine released here. |
Medulla Oblongata | Inferior part of brain stem - autonomic reflex center - cardiac, respiratory, vomiting, swallowing, sneezing, etc. |
Cerebellar hemispheres connected medially by __. | Vermis |
Anterior & posterior lobes of cerebellum __. | Coordinate body movements |
All fibers entering & leaving the cerebellum are __. | Ipsilateral - from & to same side of body |
The cerebellum has no __ connections to cerebral cortex. | direct |
Cerebellar injury results in loss of __. | Muscle tone & clumsy, unsure movements. |
Limbic System | Amygdala here - is our emotional brain & cingulate gyrus - expressing emotion through gestures - relayed through hypothalamus. |
Reticular Formation | Loosely clustered neurons - extend length of brain stem - maintains alert wakefulness, muscle coordination - RAS |
Reticular Activating System (RAS) | Acts as filter for flood of sensory input - is inhibited by sleep center & drugs - coma - central to wakefulness. |
Alpha Waves | 8-13 Hz |
Beta Waves | 14-30 Hz |
Theta Waves | 4-7 Hz - common in chldren - abnormal in awake adults. |
Delta Waves | 4hz or less - During sleep & anesthesia - indicate brain damage when awake. |
Absense seizures | Petit Mal - mild seizures - face goes blank. |
Tonic-clonic seizures | Grand Mal - severe, convulsive epileptic seizure. |
Vagus Nerve Stimulator | Anti-epilepsy device - Delivers pulse via vagus nerve to brain to keep electrical activity of brain. |
A brief loss of consciousness is called __. | Fainting or syncope. |
In coma oxygen use is always __ normal. | Below |
__ activity is depressed during sleep, but not __ functions. | Cortical activity - brainstem |
Oxygen use by brain during REM sleep is __ than awake state. | Greater |
Most nighmares & night terrors occur during __. | NonREM stages 3 & 4 |
In the awake state, alertness of cerebral is mediated by the __. | RAS |
Lesions of the RAS nuclei result in __. | Unconsciousness |
When certain neurons of the __ fire at maximal rates, we awaken for the day. | Midbrain reticular formation |
Arachnoid Mater | Forms a loose brain covering. |
Pia Mater | Delicate CT w/blood vessels - cling to brain. |
Cerebrospinal fluid reduces brain weight by __. | 97% - by floating it. |
CFS (cerebrospinal fluid) formed from __. | The choroid plexuses that hang from roof of each ventricle. |
Hydrocephalus | Accumulating CSF fluid on brain - must be shunted off. |
Most important blood-brain barriers? | Tight junctions between capillary endothelial cells thatmake them the least permeable capillaries in body. |
Contre coup injury | Ricocheting effect as brain hits skull in accident. |
The blood-brain barrier is ineffective against __. | Fats, fatty acids, oxygen, CO2, & fat-soluable alcohol, nicotine & anesthetics can affect the brain. |
Severe brain stem contusions always cause __. | Coma - due to injury of reticular activating sys. (RAS) |
Cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) also are called? | Strokes |
ischemia | Deprivation of blood supply to a tissue. |
Hemiplegia | Paralyzed on one side of body. |
Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) | Dissolves blood clots in the brain. |
Huntington's Disease | Hyperkinetic manifestation due to too much dopamine. |
Spinal cord develops from __ of embryonic neural tube. | Caudal portion. |
Alar plate neuroblasts become __. | Interneurons (dorsal) |
Basal plate neuroblasts become __. | Motor neurons (ventral) |
Dorsal root ganglia contain __. | Sensory neuron cell bodies. |
The spinal cord typically ends between __. | L1 & L2 |
Conus Medullaris | Where spinal cord terminates in tapering cone. |
Filum terminale | Anchors spinal cord to coccyx. |
Why does spinal cord enlarge in cervical & lumbar areas? | Nerves serving limbs arise in those areas. |
__ pairs of spinal nerves attach to cord by paired roots. | 31 |
Each nerve exits from column via the __. | Intervertebral formina |
2 grooves that mark surface of spinal cord. | Anterior median fissue & posterior median sulcus. |
Gray matter of cord is in __, white is __. | Core, outside |
Gray commissure | Cross-bar of gray matter connecting internal gray masses of spinal canal - encloses central canal. |
Small lateral horns are present in __ & __. | Thoracic & superior lumbar segments of cord - autonomic. |
All neurons whose cell bodies are in the spinal cord gray matter are __. | Multipolar |
The dorsal horns of spinal cord are __. | Interneurons |
Ventral horns of spinal cord are mostly __. | Somatic motor neurons. |
Afferent fibers from peripheral sensory receptors form __. | Dorsal roots of spinal cord. |
First-order Neurons | Cell body in ganglion-conduct impulses from skin to spinal cord or brain stem & synapse w/2nd order. |
Second-order Neurons | Cell body in dorsal horn of cord - transmit to thalamus or cerebellum. |
Third-order Neurons | Cell body in thalamus-conduct to somatosensory cortex of cerebrum. |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | Lou Gehrig's disease - destruction of ventral horn motor neurons & pyramidal tract. |
Stage __ sleep declines steadily from birth & often disappears completely in those over 60. | 4 |
2 regions that are critically important for language. | Broca's & Wernicke's area. |
Longterm potentiation (LTP) | Persistant increase in synaptic strength. |
From external to internal, the meninges are: | Dura mater, arachnoid mater, & pia mater. |
Dura Mater | "Tough Mother" - strongest meninx - surrounds brain. |
3 basic kinds of neurons. | Sensory neurons, interneurons, & motor neurons. |
Sensory neurons | Collect & relay info about stimuli to spinal cord & brain. |
Interneurons | In the spinal cord & brain - receive & process sensory input & send signals to other neurons. |
Motor neurons | Relay signals from interneurons to effectors - muscles & glands - that carry out responses. |